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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Asleep and Awakened by Angela Greenig

Asleep and Awakened 

by Angela Greenig

Identity Network

I saw what looked like a Golden Star, shooting at the speed of a comet. As it approached earth's atmosphere I realized that it wasn't a comet at all, but an angel of the Lord, as he landed on earth on one knee with his head bowed. As I approached him, I saw what looked like a pipe in his hand was actually his scepter and, once it touched the ground, it grew and glowed!!  It emitted the most incredible golden light with gems that started to ignite and transmit shafts of light. It wasn't just a pipe, but a scepter, as he came with great authority. 

I asked him, "Why are you here, and what's your name?" He said, "My name is Storm, and I'm from the past, but I come with a message." The message became like a movie. I could see, as far as the eye could see, many, many, lost and broken people, hurting, wounded and barely making it (many were those in ministry). I was so overwhelmed by what looked like a massacre that had come through, but it was from an onslaught of the enemy.  

I started to pray and cry out to the Lord. When I opened my eyes there was a different angel who was before me. I asked him, "What is your name?" and He said, "I'm called Future," and when his scepter hit the ground I saw underground caverns of silver, and rivers of liquid gold. Gems were everywhere. There was a treasure chest filled with pearls, gems, and golden goblets embellished like I've never seen before. The angel, Future, said, "I'm here to help navigate The Father's people." 

I Am Releasing

Believe that I am removing the veil of heaviness and despair and I'm releasing, says the Lord, rivers of life to the multitudes, and multiplication will take place just like for the widow, or the boy with the bread and fish. You will see obstacles removed, and roadblocks that have hindered my people will be no more. Tell them, I am calling you! As He called Lazarus, He is calling us to come out of our death or grave clothes.

This vision is so, so amazing because I understand what He's saying. Listen, the Angel, Storm, always removes the dead debris out and off of us, like a tree being pruned. Many have gone thru difficult storms, divested by the ravages of life. 

I see the Angel, Future, wanting us to know that there is provision in the vision. He has called us, each one of us, that we are so beautiful, like a gem, unto the King. Some of you may need to just take off those garments of the past that have made you feel like you are invisible, worthless, or never good enough. God the loving Father is calling all of His sons and daughters to come out of the death clothes, and to come out and live.

Father, may your unspeakable joy overflow us each and every day. Thank you that whatever storm we may have had, or are still going through, that we are not alone.

Till the end.

Angela Greenig

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA