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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Prophetic Dream: A Nasharite Army Is Rising in America - JEREMIAH JOHNSON

God's army
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
On Feb. 16, 2015, I had a prophetic dream where I saw two armies who were facing one another on American soil. One army had a flag that said, "Prayer Movement" and the other army had a flag that said, "Awakening Movement." Riding on white horses, two generals of the movements came out to meet one another.
As these generals gathered, the Spirit of God spoke to me in the dream and said, "These men and these movements must join together to fulfill my purposes in America. For surely intercession gives birth to awakening and awakening gives birth to more intercession. This three-chord strand cannot be easily broken. Many moves of My Spirit have known intercession unto awakening, but I am releasing awakening unto intercession in America that will sustain the coming outpouring of My Spirit. The awakening that is coming to America will give birth to many houses of prayer."
As the Holy Spirit spoke this, these prayer and awakening generals got off their horses and took off their helmets. They got down on their knees and extended a hand to one another. As they grasped hands, lightning from heaven struck the ground and a great shaking began to take place in America. The two armies that were facing one another began to embrace and sharpen one another's swords.
The Spirit of God spoke again in the dream and said, "This is My Nasharite Army that will fulfill My end-time purposes in America. They will intercede for awakening and out of awakening in America will come much intercession. It is not enough to pray for awakening, this Nasharite army must pray through awakening."
In a previous dream on May 5, 2014, I was given greater insight into this Nasharite army as I found myself in a medieval-looking city with thousands of saints who were oppressed and fearful because the enemy had laid siege to the city. I began to rally the people and tell them not to be afraid. Suddenly, several key leaders of the prayer movement in Kansas City, Missouri, appeared and told the people to get ready for battle.
As the army assembled, I began to prophesy in the dream and say, "For every one voice of awakening that God is raising up in America, He is releasing seven voices of prophetic intercession that will prepare the way for the coming revival." This Nasharite army carries the DNA of man named Daniel Nash who at age 48, gave himself to prayer for the meetings of revivalist Charles Finney during the Second Great Awakening in America. Nash would go into territories before Finney's revival meetings and travail and intercede until he won heaven's blessing upon the meetings.
Similar to Daniel Nash, I believe God is raising up a Nasharite army in this hour who will not only cry out for awakening, but labor in the secret place to see it come to pass. As awakening comes, it will be the fuel that drives these men and women back to the place of prayer. It was said that when Daniel Nash died, the ministry of Charles Finney ended. We cannot underestimate the power of prophetic intercession and how directly connected it is to awakening and revival. We must move past simply showing up to revival services and actually give ourselves as believers to travail and intercession. As we begin to experience the burden of God for our generation and watch Him release awakening, it must drive us even further into abiding in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).
I prophesy that a uniting of the prayer and awakening movements is coming to America. There will be many strategic gatherings of awakening generals and prayer generals to release the word of the Lord and to deliver clear prayer agendas to the body of Christ. I see a Nasharite army rising in America whose bread is travail and whose water is awakening. These men and women will intercede for awakening and when it comes, it will be a sign to pray some more. We must see awakening sustained in America through a consistent lifestyle of prayer and fasting. There is not other way forward.
Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA