We begin the Seder by remembering and inviting those less fortunate. One Passover, a poor woman asked her town Rabbi an unusual question. She wanted to know if she could use milk for the four cups of the Seder, for she could not afford wine. The Rabbi, in response, gave her a large amount of money, much more than was needed to purchase wine. The Rabbi reasoned that if she expected to drink milk at the Seder, it was clear she had no meat either (as we are prohibited from eating milk and meat at the same meal). So he gave her enough to buy both wine and meat for the festival. Today "Meir Panim" in Israel provides thousands of meals in dignified soup kitchens, as well as meals-on-wheels to Holocaust survivors, and hot lunches to poor school children.
Under the radar is a large segment of Israeli society living in poverty. What is being done about it? You'll never believe the fight of one organization to stop poverty here in the Holy Land.
Inspiring, take-away lessons to enliven your Passover Seder and deepen your understanding of the festival.
"The Night that Unites" is a best-selling Haggadah from Jerusalem, featuring the full text in Hebrew and English, with powerful stories related to the Land of Israel. Includes questions and answers to help facilitate meaningful discussions during your Passover seder.
In the "Matzot Carmel" bakery in Petakh Tikva, workers prepare matzah, traditional unleavened bread which is eaten on the holiday of Passover.
Thanks to all who responded to yesterday's trivia! The beautiful photo by Yehoshua Halevi showed a paraglider over the Mediterranean Sea.
Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!
“It always puts a smile of adoration on my face trying to read the Hebrew!”
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Thank you for Israel365! It always puts a smile of adoration on my face trying to read the Hebrew! Amanda Duvenhage. Colesberg (between Cape Town and Jo'burg) South Africa
We live in Wisconsin, USA. After having lived in Israel for 6 weeks while harvesting grapes in Samaria, we look forward to your photos that give us daily visual reminders of all that G-d is doing and restoring. We miss Israel immensely and can't wait to return. Shalom, Becki |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz RabbiTuly@Israel365.com |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA