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Friday, May 8, 2015

Pro-Life Protesters Demand Congress Stop Stalling

Pro-Life Protesters Demand Congress Stop Stalling

WASHINGTON -- Abortion opponents are growing increasingly frustrated with the Republican majority in Congress they worked so hard to elect.

On Thursday, they marched on U.S. House Speaker John Boehner's office for a second time, demanding Congress start passing pro-life legislation.

They especially want lawmakers to pass a 20-week abortion ban. For this protest, they brought life-size models of 20-week old unborn babies.

They wanted to show Congress just how large and well-developed these children are that can still be aborted because Republican leaders in the House won't put a 20-week abortion ban up for a vote.

"Abortion is a scourge on our country. And at 20 weeks, children feel tremendous pain," Lori Hoye, with the Issues for Life Foundation, told CBN News. "And so we need to stop abortion at all levels. Twenty weeks is a good start."

"Protect America's children. Stand with America's children," protest leader Pat Mahoney, with the Christian Defense Coalition, shouted just before the demonstrators marched toward Boehner's office.

They banged repeatedly on Boehner's locked office door, but no one answered.

"This is not normal procedure," Mahoney said to the dozens of protesters and media members gathered around the door. "I've knocked on this door and gone in many times."

Mahoney said if Congress continues to stall, he and his fellow protesters will be back soon.

What's particularly galling to them about the failure of the pro-life majority now controlling Congress to take action is that poll after poll shows 60 percent or more of Americans want a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.

Watch video here: Pro-Life Protesters

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA