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Friday, May 29, 2015

The wedding, the harvest and the return to Europe! - Richard & Carolyn Hyde

Wedding sunset
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Click above to see photos                            May, 2015

עוד ישמע בערי יהודה ובחוצות ירושלים - קול ששון וקול שמחה קול חתן וקול כלה 
Thus says the L-rd, Yet again there will be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy & the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom & the voice of the bride!
Bride and Groom
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners, 
Oh, how we thank you for praying for us during the wedding of our son Avi-Asher and his beautiful bride, Liora.  The L-rd truly anointed Richard as he presented the Good News during the ceremony!  Enjoy photos from Yad HaShmona near Jerusalem and thank you for praying for Avi and Liora's destiny in the Land! 
Wedding flower girls and bride with parents Wedding Avi and parents Wedding Od Yishama!
The Harvest and Signs of War

Ariel, Shayla and family
The beautiful love story of Ruth and Boaz was acted out at Kehilat Ha Carmel by Shayla and Ariel (Carolyn played Naomi) followed by a clear presentation of the Good News by Ariel.  At the end many came forward to receive Yeshua - praise G-d for an incredible Shavuot blessing!

Recently I picked up a hitch-hiker who confirmed what we're hearing.  The young man, who was returning from war exercises in the Golan, repeatedly exclaimed, "You won't believe what's coming!"  He was referring to the chaos happening with ISIS in Syria and about how Israel might find herself in the midst of it.  I told him that I know what's coming because the L-rd has shown me.  He didn't understand.  So I told him to keep his eyes on the L-rd and gave him a Psalm 91 bandanna and the "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklet while sharing with him about G-d's promises and the Messiah of Israel.  He gratefully thanked me and yet continued to exclaim, "But you won't believe what's coming!"  L-rd have mercy and open our eyes to see You!
Journey to France, Switzerland and Germany

The L-rd has called us to return to Europe to continue to call Jewish people home and to raise up more Jeremiah 16:16  fishermen among the Body of Messiah.  We're continually amazed when we respond to G-d's call about how He opens doors that we could never imagine!  Just before the wedding, I was incredibly busy and yet the L-rd called me to go up to a conference in Jerusalem.  So I went  and I discovered that G-d had prepared the hearts of several French believers to receive me.  As I spoke with them I could see a light in their eyes when they realized that G-d wanted to use them in a significant way to call the Jewish people home.  Many are already playing an integral part in this journey!  Here is our schedule, G-d willing of course!

June 14: Gemeinde in Konstanz, Germany
 June 17: Internationale Christengemeinde, Freiburg, Germany /
June 19:  Blotzheim home group, France / RSVP with  /  0389261796 
June 20:  Spittlerhaus, Basel, Switzerland / Contact Family Gausselan 41-788-26-0343
June 21:  Hoffnung Fuer Alle, Aalen, Germany /
June 23Haus Kreis, Schaffhausen, Switzerland  
June 24:  Zurich House of Prayer, Zurich, Switzerland / Contact Family Major 41(0)76 5889355
June 25:  Home meeting in Winterthur
June 26:  Erev Shabbat 7 PML'Eglise Josue, 8 Route d'Issenheim, 68500 Guebwiller, France
June 27:  PM - Obernai Bas-Rhin, France / Contact Sebastien & Christine Freydinger 068 3129947  RSVP
June 28: 10 AM: L'Eglise Josue, 8 Route d'Issenheim, 68500 Guebwiller, France 0389-749200
June 29 through June 2:  Outreach in Paris, France during the day
June 30 PM - Israel Prayer Group in Paris, France
July 1 PM - Israel Prayer Group in Paris, France
July 3:  House of Prayer, Basel, Switzerland  /
July 5 Eglise evangelique de Bulle, Switzerland /
July 6:  Basel Vineyard Church, Basel, Switzerland /
Then Venice to Trieste, Italy - please pray for divine appointments
We're also planning a journey from Florida to Texas along the Gulf Coast this November so thank you for prayerfully considering us coming to minister in worship and Word...

MDA, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross, is the #1 emergency medical service in Israel and continually sends first responder teams to disaster areas around the world.  Please support the new CFMDA - Christian Friends of MDA as they stand with Israel and bring medical help and comfort to our people Israel in times of distress.
LSE Asian group

Come to our home in the beautiful Galilee for worship, Israeli folk dancing and hear how the L-rd is moving in Israel today.  Enjoy dinner from our balcony with its beautiful view of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), Golan and Jordan Valley!
Worship CD's from Israel with songs in Hebrew, English and some German and Spanish!
 Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover 
We are so grateful for your love, prayers and support as we reach the lost with the love of our Messiah!  At the wedding alone one out of three were pre-believers in Yeshua and they all heard the Good News of the Holy One of Israel!
Cover from WebsiteBlessings in Yeshua's love,  
Richard & Carolyn Hyde

Israel:  PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220
United States:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX  78246
Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800
Germany: Hilfswerk für Israel e. V. Nehren
Stuttgarter Straße 57, 71735 Eberdingen
Volksbank Mössingen  -  BLZ 641 619 56  -  Konto-Nummer 31 089 003
partner with us icon      

We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA