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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Worship Leader Who Lost Sons in Tragic Wreck Has 3 Choice Words for Driver Who Killed Them

The Eddings family

Worship Leader Who Lost Sons in Tragic Wreck Has 3 Choice Words for Driver Who Killed Them

Gentry and Hadley Eddings lost their two sons in a horrific crash. (Courtesy)

The worship pastor who lost his two little boys in a horrific crash is urging forgiveness for the driver that killed them.

Gentry Eddings and Hadley Eddings were traveling in a caravan when the car with a pregnant Hadley and the couple's 2-year-old was struck by another vehicle.

The 2-year-old died in the crash, but Hadley had an emergency C-section, delivering her baby about a month early.

Sadly, the newborn died just two days after the crash.

They "were able to spend precious moments with (the newborn), holding him in our arms before he went to be with his brother in heaven," Gentry tells The Charlotte Observer.

While many may struggle with bitterness after a driver takes the lives of their children, the Eddings had the grace of God to go above and beyond.

"We have, in our hearts, forgiven the man who did this. It was not the easiest thing to do, but in some ways it was because we know—Hadley and I—that Jesus Christ has forgiven us our debt. ... So in some ways, it was very easy to forgive a man who made an accident," Gentry said at their funeral, according to TCO.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA