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Friday, July 10, 2015

Israel: 3K French Jews to Make Aliya this Summer

Israel: 3K French Jews to Make Aliya this Summer

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Some 130 French Jews arrived in Israel Monday, with an additional 400 expected by week's end, in the first leg of a summer aliyah that's expected to bring up to 3,000 new immigrants from France, according to The Jewish Agency.
Another 80 French tourists who decided to make Israel their home also received their citizenship.
Summer is an ideal time for families with school age children to make aliyah -- immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, which says if you have one Jewish grandparent, you're eligible for Israeli citizenship.
Last year, more French Jews immigrated to Israel than from any other country, in part as a result of rising anti-Semitism and a spate of recent terror attacks, including one this past weekend.
Israeli Absorption Minister Ze'ev Elkin welcomed the new immigrants "with open arms."
"Every plane that arrives in Israel strengthens Israel and strengthens the French Jews who have come home," Elkin said. 
"As anti-Semitism increases, terrorism surges, and sick ISIS operatives carry out murders in broad daylight, Jews around the world know they have a country and a family to return to," Elkin said. "We welcome you with open arms."
Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharanksy said Europe is becoming "an uncomfortable place for Jews."
"We are seeing an unprecedented wave of aliyah from European countries, which indicates not only how Europe is becoming an uncomfortable place for Jews, but even more importantly, the extent to which Israel is becoming a magnet for Jews interested in a meaningful Jewish life in freedom, personal security and a sense of belonging to a country that is integral to the future of the Jewish people," Sharansky said.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA