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Monday, July 13, 2015

Israel: Still Open for Business

Israel: Still Open for Business

TOM BRENNAN  charisma news
Despite all of the BDS movements against it, Israel continues to thrive as a nation.
Despite all of the BDS movements against it, Israel continues to thrive as a nation. (Flickr )
Standing With Israel
The last two years have seen a dramatic increase in worldwide stress and pressure on Israel. Last year, riots disrupted business, transportation and commuting.
Shops that employ Israeli citizens of all faiths saw a drop-off in sales. Some tours were cancelled. Still, a bad day in Jerusalem is better than a good week in Chicago or Detroit as far as crime and violence go.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movements that uninformed, misinformed and outright malevolent groups attempt to stage are failing, but still there are some effects. Israeli companies are businesses that employ many non-Jewish citizens and their incomes are significantly higher and standard of living better than in neighboring countries of the Palestinian Authority's areas.
Has your church group cancelled a scheduled tour for fear's sake? Did you miss a chance to ride a boat on the Sea of Galilee?
Remember, the Messiah calmed the storms there and walked on water. Each time he said "do not be afraid." Our days are numbered and each day counts. No one knows from the hour they wake until the hour they sleep what will happen. Only the Creator knows. Faith tells us that only He is in charge. No one else, neither friend nor enemy.
If your tour is coming up this year, obey the command of "don't be afraid." There is only one Israel. In the meantime do you have gifts to buy for weddings, birthdays, celebrations? There are many online merchants that operate from Israel. They offer a vast catalog of everything from crafts made in Bethlehem and Nazareth to delicious foods that are pure delights.
Do you know what Kosher means? The Hebrew meaning is "special," set aside. The Torah, the first five books of the Bible, were transcribed by Moses (Moshe' in Hebrew) and contain the instructions and examples that the Creator wanted His chosen people to follow in the Covenant made with Moses. Certain foods were not to be eaten, certain things were not being mixed, and no form of worship the idolaters used were to be used by the Israelites.
His people, His worship and His Word were "Kushra": special, set aside. Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) said "be holy as I am holy." The Hebrew meaning is "be set apart as I am set apart." Be in the world but not a part of it and its ways. "You are mine and I am your God," he says.
Kosher foods are best made in Israel. Fresh ingredients are used (no GMO!) Olive oil, baked goods, these are exported daily. Jaffa (Yafo) oranges are amazing in their size and juiciness. Rabbis certify that foods were prepared and made according to rules and a seal is applied.
Do you know that there are hundreds of certifying agencies in the United States each with their own seal? We all recognize Hebrew National meats; now we see what Kosher really means. Some of us say Kosher means "delicious."
Seeing how ancient traditions are carried into modern day Israel is a real learning experience. Israel combined faith, heritage and fast-paced living into a workable lifestyle that all can learn from. Israel is open for business and ready to welcome you.
Tom Brennan has worked in quite a few professions. Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, he's worked as a museum curator, archivist and graphics curator, library administrator, small business owner, animal care worker, sheriff's deputy, rancher and farmer and author and researcher and NewsBlogger. He plans to volunteer for Sar-El next year and see Israel from the ground up. When he's not digging into news, he works with Arabian horses and other breeds in Boise, Idaho.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA