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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Franklin Graham: False Teaching Has Diluted God's Word

Franklin Graham: False Teaching Has Diluted God's Word

The evangelist is making a clarion call.
The evangelist is making a clarion call. (BGEA)
Dear Friend,
What hope is there for future generations? We are faced with moral crisis, economic crisis, political crisis—it seems that wherever you look both here at home and around the world storms are brewing. The only hope is in Jesus Christ. The rapid moral decline we are seeing around us should be a clarion call for every Christian to speak out for biblical truth and to be diligent in sharing the hope of the gospel.
That is why I am committed to taking the gospel to cities across our nation and around the world. This year we have already held 18 evangelistic crusades, preaching the life-changing message of salvation on four continents, and we still have a busy schedule for the remainder of 2015—culminating this November in Tokyo, the largest city in the world. In Japan, less than 3 percent of the population are Christian. Many have put their faith in the yen, and that has failed them. Many have looked to the West and adopted that culture, only to find it leaves them empty and cold. Materialism has become rampant, suicide is now epidemic among young people, and the nation's crime rate is rising dramatically. This will mark my fourth time to preach in Japan—pray with me that many will turn in repentance and faith and respond to God's offer of salvation.
In our own nation, there has never been a greater need for a clear proclamation of the gospel. There are so many voices, and unfortunately God's Word has been diluted by false teaching. Pray for me as I go next to Birmingham and Oklahoma City in the coming weeks, and as we go to a dozen more cities through the end of the year. We are counting on your prayers for the Holy Spirit to move in hearts. I am deeply grateful for your partnership.
Franklin Graham, son of iconic evangelist Billy Graham, is the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. 
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA