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Thursday, August 13, 2015

New Video Reveals Baby Harvesters 'Take What They Wanted..."

New Video Reveals Baby Harvesters 'Take What They Wanted and the Mothers Don't Know'

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The second episode in a new documentary web series highlights a young woman's eyewitness narrative of the daily practice of fetal body parts harvesting in Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, describing tissue procurement, workers' coordination with abortion providers, the pressure placed on patients, and disregard for patient consent.
The "Human Capital" documentary web series, produced by The Center for Medical Progress, integrates expert interviews, eyewitness accounts, and real-life undercover interactions to explore various themes connected to Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted fetal tissue. Episode 1, "Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts," premiered last month. Episode 2, "Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site," launched this week.
The series follows the personal narrative of Holly O'Donnell, a former Blood and Tissue Procurement Technician for StemExpress, a start-up biotech company from northern California that partners with Planned Parenthood clinics to purchase their aborted fetus parts and resell them for scientific experimentation. As a procurement tech, O'Donnell's job was to identify pregnant patients matching the specifications of StemExpress customers and to harvest the fetal body parts from their abortions.
"It's not an option, it's a demand," StemExpress supervisors instructed O'Donnell about approaching pregnant women at Planned Parenthood for fetal tissue "donations." O'Donnell says the StemExpress techs working in Planned Parenthood clinics sometimes harvested fetal parts without obtaining consent from the patients: "If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they would know."
Federal laws on the procurement and use of human fetal tissue require that patients consent to the tissue donation subsequent to consenting to the abortion procedure (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
According to O'Donnell, Planned Parenthood gave StemExpress workers access to patient records and schedules so that the harvesting company could plan for the days when patient "supply" would be greatest. "They give you a sheet, and it's everybody for that day, who's coming in for an ultrasound, who's coming in for an abortion, medical or a late-term abortion," O'Donnell explains. Even patients just seeking a pregnancy test at Planned Parenthood were considered part of the supply: "Pregnancy tests are potential pregnancies, therefore potential specimens. So it's just taking advantage of the opportunities."
Project Lead David Daleiden notes, "Experiences like Holly O'Donnell's show that Planned Parenthood's abortion and baby parts business is not a safe place where vulnerable women can be cared for, but a harvesting ground for saleable human 'product.' Taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood's barbaric abortion business should be revoked immediately, and law enforcement and other elected officials must act decisively to determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood's offensive practices and hold them accountable to the law."
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA