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Thursday, August 13, 2015

"The Droughts of Summer" ✡ Summer Fun in Jerusalem

Praiseworthy is he whose transgression is forgiven... For day and night Your hand is heavy upon me; my freshness was transformed as in the droughts of summer, forever.

PSALMS (32:1,4)

אַשְׁרֵי נְשׂוּי פֶּשַׁע...כִּי יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה תִּכְבַּד עָלַי יָדֶךָ נֶהְפַּךְ לְשַׁדִּי בְּחַרְבֹנֵי קַיִץסֶלָה

תהילים לב:א,ד

ash-ray n'-soy pe-sha ... kee yo-mam va-lai-la tikh-bad a-lai ya-de-kha ne-h'-pakh l'-sa-dee b'-khar-vo-nay kai-yitz se-la

Today's Israel Inspiration

The word 'ashrei,' fortunate, which begins today's Psalm, speaks of the fortunate person who veers away from sin and chooses the Godly path. The Psalmist uses a metaphor of a hot summer drought in the Land of Israel to describe how his strength was almost sapped because of his sins. Later on (verse 6), he describes repentance, symbolized by the refreshing waters of the rainy winter season. How true that the seasons can play a part in our frame of mind! During Israel's long and hot summer days, Meir Panim runs wonderful camps for underpriviledged kids, providing a safe and nurturing experience to renew and reenergize their spirits.

Summer in Jerusalem:
Must-See Water Show

Just outside the Old City walls, Jerusalem's Teddy Park offers an incredible water, light and music show. Visitors share what makes this attraction so special.

From a Prayer and a Miracle to Feeding Thousands

An incredible story of a couple who prayed twenty years for a child, and took upon themselves extra good deeds to open the doors of heavenly mercy.

Adina: My Design Sketchbook

Adina: My Design Sketchbook is a fun, empowering workbook for fashion designers of all ages who love modern AND modest fashion. It provides the skills to create real illustrations and designs. Using step-by-step tutorials, stickers, suggestions, and encouragement, Adina’s Designs inspire creativity and self-expression, without compromising on dignity and self-respect.

Today's Israel Photo

This great photo by Daniel Malkiel features Teddy Park's sound and light fountain at the foot of the Old City walls, across the street from Jaffa Gate. The park is named for past Jerusalem mayor, Teddy Kollek, obm, who was legendary for building up modern Jerusalem.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Janie Barnett of Warsaw, Illinois in honor of Pat Vickers. Toda raba!

“Thank You for Sharing So Much of Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Thank you for sharing so much of Israel. I pray for peace in Israel every night... God Bless and Save Israel.-John Rees

Shalom, I am Esther from Germany. I am pleased with the photos and news from Israel, especially Jerusalem. I love the Jewish people and Israel and pray daily for it. I was already very often in Israel and am right back there. Shabbat Shalom, Esther Kluge
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA