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Monday, August 17, 2015

"Watch the Movement of the Ground!" and "A Time to Deal with Night Terrors!" - Chuck D. Pierce

"Watch the Movement of the Ground!" 
and "A Time to Deal with Night Terrors!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

Newsletter dated Tuesday, August 11, 2015:

Dear Watching Ones:

Our services on Sunday were just amazing – amazing worship, prophecy, teaching, revelation and ministry.
During worship on Sunday (August 9th), I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Watch where the movement of the ground occurs this week. For I am causing that which has held that area in bondage, the iniquities, to break, for My triumphant power to come into that region!" –Chuck Pierce

Linda Heidler wrote me yesterday to share:
"On Sunday, before you gave the word about watching the places that shake this week, the Lord began to show me Israel crossing the Jordan, then facing Jericho. He said that some had seen God miraculously open the way for them to get into the land He had promised them, but there was a huge obstacle that mocked them and said they would go no further and would die where they were. The Lord said for them to be quiet and listen to the strategy He would give them. As they followed His direction, there would be a shaking and a sound that would cause the mocking obstacle to fall."
I would encourage you to watch where shaking occurs this week, and begin to decree that those areas will open up to a sweeping, new move of God's power and glory.

It's HOT! Lord, What Are You Saying?

I want to encourage you to journal. Not only can you express your thoughts better, but you can hear Him more clearly. This is the perfect example of journaling. Penny Jackson and Pam and I were discussing how hot it is.(Photo via flickr)

Penny then went before the Lord with it, and this is what He showed her. She shares:
"I said to the Lord, 'It's so hot.' I had read or heard somewhere or heard somewhere that the drought on the earth is representative of the drought in the spirit realm. I'm not surprised. But I said, 'Lord, it is so hot. And what I don't understand is how it can end anytime soon because I can't see how there will be a spiritual awakening that will happen that quickly. To change this heat, something would have to happen very quickly. So what will cause this drought to break, Lord?'
 The Lord answered the following:
"I am turning the heat up under My people. I'm not allowing them to rest and be comfortable. I am not allowing life as usual. This is not a time for play or fun in the sun, and I won't let that be. There's an intensity right now. I want My people to feel the intensity and ask Me why. When there are things of Biblical proportions, it should lead My people to me. They should want to know why. They should question Me. And I will answer them.
"There is a preparation in this for times ahead. While this time and season is uncomfortable physically, days are coming when there will be discomfort in so many areas. This is a training for days ahead, a learning how to walk through intensity – now in heat, later in more ways.

 "The heat will not continue forever; the drought will not continue forever. It is for a season and for My purposes. You did read that the heat would keep hurricanes at bay, and when the heat lessens, there is more chance for hurricanes. So there is also a protection of sorts in this. Right now is not the time for a hurricane to come, because there are other things going on that need to happen. A major hurricane at this point would slow down what needs to be going on in the city."
And a little while later:
"Lord, what would You say about this heat and the drought? What do You want me to know about that? Lord, I don't understand why it's so hot. I know You are allowing it. Will You tell me why?
He said:
"I sent the rain in June to prepare you for this. Think of what it would be like if I had not sent the rains in June. In the spirit realm I also send the rain to prepare you, to shore you up for what's ahead. There are such intense times ahead. Right now it seems intense, but will be so much more so later. 
Just as you are learning to adapt and adjust to the intensity of the heat right now, I am training you to adapt and adjust to the even greater intensity in days ahead. (Photo via Wikipedia)

"You will need to learn to keep your head about you, despite the heat and the intensity. Right now it would be easy to be irritable, to be angry, to lash out because it is physically so uncomfortable. But in days ahead it will also be tempting, but the results of lashing out then will have far greater consequences."

The Lord reminded me of these verses from Jeremiah 17:7-8:
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Newsletter dated Wednesday, August 12, 2015:

Key Prophecy: Advancing the Harvest!

Dear Harvesters:

On Sunday morning, the Spirit of God moved so powerfully during our services. Here is another portion of the prophecies that were released:

"Today is the day that Simeon is breaking forth; he's breaking forth and he will be planted in the midst of Judah. No longer will he be scattered but he'll be with Judah, praising. No longer will he walk in rebellion and be scattered, but he will walk in the authority of the Father. Judah will be enlarged and all those who are scattered are coming home. For today Simeon is reborn!

"Who can open the barren womb? Who can heal the broken hearted? And who can even mend the broken hearts of this land? Is there anything impossible for Me? Do you want to see those great and mighty things that you've not known before?

"I've told you: Call unto Me and I will answer you! I'll show you things that have been fenced in and too narrow for you to see in days past. Cry out now and the fence that's been around your blessings will begin to break, and many blessings will come through that fence! There are some saying, 'Even if I cried out, God couldn't hear me because of the way I've been diverted.' But I say, 'Cry out! I will acknowledge where you are! (Photo via Pixabay)

"I will remember where you've been, and I will bring you into a new pasture! But you are Mine; I've called you by My name! I am breaking up that fallow ground of your heart and I'm calling you back into that right place. Watch! Watch! And cry out, for I am re-aligning.

"For know ye not that I come with a sword in My mouth and I release My Word over My people, and they fall as one weak in My Presence? And know ye not the sword that I release over My enemies? They are slain before even the servants of the Lord. So be confident this day that the Word of the sword of the Lord is being expressed from My mouth.

A Time to Deal with Night Terrors! A Week to Shut Up and Listen so You Go the Right Way!

"Some of you would say, 'Lord, there is death and terror that surrounds me. All that I hear and all that I see is night howling around me. But I AM going to begin to loose a call in My people that shall no longer be disjointed. You will no longer feel abandoned, and you will no longer feel left in a hole that you can't be drug out of.

"For in this hour I'm beginning to unite My Body. There will be a corporate sound, and there will be a corporate alignment. The sound will rise! The sound will rise! The sound will rise! Let this be a week where your sound begins to pierce the heavens. For as you are willing to loose your sound in the darkness, I will let the glory of Heaven begin to shine down upon you.

"This is a time that I am ready to deal with your night terrors. For you are crying out through night terrors, even in your sleep. But this is going to be a time that I deliver you from the fear of the darkness that is around you.There is a deliverance coming out of night terrors this week, and that which has terrified you in the night – even in your subconscious – I am going to reveal it to you in the light. (Photo via Pixabay)

"Many of you are saying that you can't hear Me, but that is because you are rehearsing in your own ear all your problems and all your ills. Listen to Me! I have something to say to you, and if you'd just listen to Me then I can put you on the right path.

"Focus on My horizon line so you know the destination that you're going to, and you know what I am painting around you. 

Focus on the horizon line so you're not surprised by the darkness that is in your frame, and you don't lose sight of the uncovering of the treasure that is already there. SEE differently! HEAR differently! Change your frame of reference so at the moment of your change a new event has been created for your future."

(Prophesied by Chuck Pierce, Tracy Shores, Bob McGregor, Sylvia Sizemore, Dolly Speights, Diane Roussel, Brian Kooiman, Emma Moore)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA