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Friday, September 11, 2015

A Startling Prophetic Vision About American Ministers

Mowing grass
(Flilckr )

If you take a complete overview of the leadership of the United States, you can see that there is a huge decline in moral standards across our land. So many key leaders seem to be pushing their agenda with personal gain in the forefront of their mind. I'm talking about the White House to the church house. 
Recently I have been praying for a renewal in the minds of Americans, a mindset that we just don't need God, but want God and His presence to guide us in life. As I watch different news clips on various social media outlets, I'm shocked to see what's going on in America and the mindset of the American people. Where is the ringing of the words by JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Recently the Lord gave me a prophetic dream about his ministers in America. In this dream I had walked outside in the Texas heat to mow the grass. After I filled up the mower with gas I proceeded to mow in my systematic routine. When I started, a gentleman came up and politely took the mower from me and began to start mowing for me. 
Suddenly, I was very small and became like a blade of grass. The neat, or weird, thing was the blades of grass were all ministers of today. I knew some of them personally. I've seen some on social media and had no clue who the others were, but I knew they were all ministers in the fivefold ministry. 
Suddenly, the mower came our way and I began to lay down. I noticed some of my dear friends began to lay down as well, but others didn't. As the mower proceedes to mow over us in the dream, the people lying down were OK but the ones who didn't where cut by the blade. I instantly woke up and said, "Lord, what does this mean?" The Lord spoke to me and said, "Some of my ministers will lay down their life for me, lay down their agendas, lay down their personal goals but some will not. In these last days I will have a group of ministers who will walk in a higher anointing but it will not rest upon fleshly motives."
I felt the Lord said this is a prophetic picture of what is coming to the ministers of America. Repent for any fleshly motives because God is about to raise the standard. He is looking for a remnant that will lay down its life for the sake of the cross! Personal agendas are done with in these last days. God wants His churches and ministers back and to get back to these foundation of Christianity. 
It reminds me of what Jesus said in Luke 9:23: "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." James 4:8 reminds us, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded" (emphasis added).
Jesus Christ came to earth and modeled Christianity for us, the very word Christian means Christ-like. When Jesus was to be baptized it was done in the Jordan River, did you know that the mouth of the Jordan River going into the Dead Sea is the lowest geographical point on planet earth? You see, Jesus came from the highest point in all creation and dwells there today, the right hand of the Father. Jesus went to the lowest spot on earth He could find to be baptized knowing he would be raised to the highest point. We as believers must go to the lowest point, dying to the flesh knowing that God will increase the anointing upon our life. 
When in seasons of fasting it seems that we get to the end of ourselves and allow God to show us more of Himself. When Jesus was baptized He went straight into the wilderness for 40 days of fasting and prayer. Can you believe the first thing the enemy tried to do was to get Jesus to turn the stones into bread? Right off the bat the enemy wanted Jesus to break His fast. The enemy doesn't want you go into the deep places of God. I personally want to come to the complete end of myself and walk in the fullness of God!
James 1:17 says that every good and perfect comes from above. When we operate in the gifts that God has given us in the anointing remember where all this came from. If you deliver a powerful sermon, give a life altering prophetic word or sing an amazing worship song, remember who gave you the gift and anointing. Sometimes we get use to these huge blessings and forget to always honor God with them. 
In this dream I remember so vividly some ministers standing and refusing to lower themselves from the coming blade; it didn't end well for them because everyone saw what happened. Some laid down and closed their eyes and had perfect peace when the mower passed them by. God is looking for a generation of ministers who will like Jesus find the lowest place they can go to so they can arise to the fullness of God. These last days' ministers will allow Christ to use them to reshape America and give complete glory to God.
Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service a month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week! Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn, and together they have three kids: Malachi, Judah and Ezra. He also serves on the leadership team of New Bread Revivalists Network.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA