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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hundreds of Muslims Turning to Christ in Germany

Hundreds of Muslims Turning to Christ in Germany

In Germany, hundreds of Muslim refugees are turning to Christ at a Berlin church.
The Evangelical Trinity Church has swelled from 150 to 600 members in just two years, and many are Muslims fleeing Iran and Afghanistan.
Mohammed Ali Zonoobi, an Iranian asylum seeker, was recently baptised.
"I feel like I am born again", he sobbed.
Many of the refugees are seeking asylum in Germany and converting to Christianity can increase their chances of staying. If they're sent home, converts can be persecuted -- even put to death -- for leaving Islam.
The church's pastor said he believes the power of Christ is changing their lives.
"I know that sometimes people also come here because their hope is that they will be granted asylum status," he said. "I invite these people in because I think that coming here does change people, despite their original motivation for doing so."
Pastor Martens said only about 10 percent of those who are baptized do not return.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA