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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

P. Parenthood Letter Reveals Baby Tissue Secrets

P. Parenthood Letter Reveals Baby Tissue Secrets

Planned Parenthood officials have written a letter to Congress, defending their practice of selling aborted baby body parts.

The nation's biggest abortion provider is trying to push back against several congressional investigations that have begun in the wake of a series of stunning undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

In the letter, Planned Parenthood claims they obey all laws, and they admit they are "proud to have a role in fetal tissue research."

But the American Center for Law and Justice said the letter exposes nine shocking practices at Planned Parenthood.

For example, Planned Parenthood finally admits that abortion is a "core" service, something watchdog groups have known for years.

And they acknowledge that nearly 20 percent of affiliates, possibly 100 sites, have been involved in selling baby body parts over the last five years.

The abortion company also admits to receiving "$60 per tissue specimen," which can quickly add up when a baby is dissected and his or her organs are sold.

They also claim that federal law requiring consent for fetal tissue donations is "not applicable" to them.

"The federal rules relating to consent and timing and method of abortion when the donated tissue is used for federally funded fetal transplantation research are therefore not applicable to any recent fetal tissue donations in the United States," the letter states.

ACLJ counsel Matthew Clark says Planned Parenthood believes it has figured out a legal loophole "to exploit the bodies of the babies it has killed for financial gain at the expense of the health and safety of the women in the hands of its supposed 'care.'"

"Planned Parenthood is boldly asserting that federal law requiring the informed consent of the woman and requiring no alteration in the timing and method (how the abortion is performed) is 'not applicable' to Planned Parenthood," Clark writes.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA