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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Morris & Carol Ruddick


We're back in Vietnam. We've returned within a time in which many shifts and changes are taking place around the world. The weeks leading up to our departure have had serious challenges, but with them has come new opportunity.

Dire prognostications have surrounded the arrival of the Shemittah this month. But this time also is the time of year on the Jewish calendar leading up to the High Holy Days surrounding Yom Kippur/ the Day of Atonement.

A Time of Soberness and Vigilance

The month (Elul) preceding Yom Kippur is considered a time of sober reflection to judge yourself prior to a corporate day of humility and repentance. It is a time for searching your heart and drawing closer to the Lord.

Taken seriously, this is the Lord's scriptural design to bypass the impact from the abounding spiritual clutter, snares and swirls impacting the world around us.

So, in the face of the amassing global turbulence and uncertainty, we have responded to what has been as a Macedonian cry of the Vietnamese to us: to come back and help them.


The final days of summer have been focused on wrapping up my latest book: "The Mantle of Fire." The subtitle is "God's Empowerment of the Joseph-Daniels and God's Economy." The theme is about the mantle of revival being wielded by God's marketplace practitioners.

Just prior to our departure, I had a special opportunity to speak to a gathering of Vietnamese Christians in Denver. We sense the future holding more in terms of our role in helping to mobilize the Vietnamese church in America.

Now with us back in Vietnam, Carol will be expanding the work she does with orphans.
In addition to a rigorous schedule of our God's economy workshops with new segments of the church, I will be starting an effort to co-author a new book on the history of the church in Vietnam since 1975.

Also, on the threshold of what we foresee as next on our agenda in Vietnam is an initiative that would mobilize successful Vietnamese Christian business owners to reach out to help the emerging generation (18-30). They would be mentors in the start of new business enterprises according to the principles of God's economy.

In short, we're reaching for higher dimensions of what the Lord has given us to do. Again, thank you so much for your prayer agreement and support.

Prayer Focus

1. Angelic protection and prayer shield against spiritual curses and backlash; for good health, connections and traveling mercies; and for our loved ones back home.

2. The anointing, wisdom, strength and protection for meetings, workshops and follow-up "mentoring/ biz incubator groups" to nurture spiritual leaders/ biz growth.

3. Prepared hearts of those attending; and the spiritual condition and maturity of the leaders God has prepared in putting these spiritual strategies into action.

4. A spiritual authority and presence of mind that eludes distractions, snares and pitfalls and releases the mantle of the supernatural to bring influence and change.
5. Carol's growing work with the orphans.

6. The work with the new book on the recent history of the church in Vietnam and for final details for the publishing of my "Mantle of Fire" book.

7. The implementation of new strategies: with funds, alliances and the launch of the "Timothy Project:" VN business people helping young adults to start businesses.

8. Strategic alliances with US-based supporting ministries and churches to maximize our Joseph-Calling and God's economy work in the West, Israel and Asia.

9. Leveraged prayer coverage, communications, as well as alliances for our next steps in mobilizing God's people in the marketplace, overseas and here in the US.

10. Supernatural recovery from jet-lag spiritually and in the natural; and catchup with administrative steps for developing NEXT STEPS for entering a new phase of this unique calling we're stewarding.

Understanding the Times

There have been many questions about the array of voices coming from within the Body about the impact of the Shemittah. God's purpose for the Shemittah has always been to enhance His blessings for His people. However, the completion of this 50 year-cycle is happening in the context of a world ignoring the ways of God and erupting into a state of turbulence and chaos.

From God's perspective, the focus involves two converging paths: Israel and the Church. While God has released judgment on the wicked, the flip-side of judgment is revival and restoration taking place among God's people. The restoration of God's order, as described in Isaiah 60 has not been seen at this level before in our generation.

"Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples, but the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you." Isaiah 60

I've also pondered what I recall was taking place 50 years ago. It was also a time of significant change. Accepted values were under attack, during a time in which the US was escalating its role in the cause of freedom in Vietnam. Yet, the most significant spiritual happenings of that era did not happen immediately. 

It was less than two years later in Israel that Israel had its very dramatic 1967-War. It was an unexpected "suddenly." That particular war in Israel resulted in Israel regaining control of Jerusalem. During that same time-frame came the birth of the Jesus Movement (the Charismatic Revival) and also the Messianic Jewish movement. God was restoring fervent prayer and the ancient biblical mysteries of Jewish roots to the church.

So, in understanding the times, I'm keeping my eyes on what's happening in Israel:  as Israel seems poised at the brink of still another war. If the 1967-War is an example, then something miraculous can be expected to emerge in both Israel and within the church.

Sometimes we expect to see change to happen immediately, while realistically big-picture things are set in motion that involve a process that is released and takes place over time. Nevertheless, underlying our expectations should be God's restoration.


In Vietnam, we have become a part of a process that has begun to surge because ofthe fervent prayers of a church very faithful in the face of being seriously persecuted for their faith. We have been assisting in advancing opportunity -- with God's proclamation of His people being the head and not the tail. The roots of our work have gone deep.

We are now entering higher dimensions in these efforts. Again and again, we find God's hand on all we've been doing, as we marvel at the timing and significance of the opportunity.

Thank you again. Your support and prayers for us are foundational in maximizing the opportunity, as well as confronting the spiritual warfare and challenges. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. Your prayers have been and are instrumental in holding up our arms in these efforts.  

With warm regards in Jesus,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 ministry.
PO Box 370291
Denver, CO 80237

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA