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Saturday, September 19, 2015

"The Knowledge of God" ✡ Learn About Blood Moons, Shmittah and the Jubilee!

They will not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea.

ISAIAH (11:9)

לֹא יָרֵעוּ וְלֹא יַשְׁחִיתוּ בְּכָל הַר קָדְשִׁי כִּי מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ דֵּעָה אֶת יְ-הוָה, כַּמַּיִם לַיָּם מְכַסִּים

ישעיהו יא:ט

lo ya-ray-u  v'-lo yash-khee-tu b'-khol har kad-shee kee mal-a ha-a-retz day-a et a-do-nai ka-ma-yeem la-yam m'-kha-seem

Shabbat Inspiration

Today's verse gives a beautiful metaphor to describe the Messianic age. Just as nothing can halt the flow of the ocean, so too nothing will be able to stop the spread of theknowledge of God throughout the world. Yet just as the depth of the ocean waters varies from place to place, so too the depth of one's knowledge of God will only be as deep as the amount of effort that one exerts. Root Source teaches Christians around the world about Jewish ideas and thought to help them more deeply understand the roots of their faith. Their new book, "Israel First", explores the latest Biblical phenomenon happening today- Blood Moons, Shmittah, the Jubilee year, and promises to Israel - and what it all means for Israel and the world. Don't miss it!

What is God Telling Us?

What are Blood Moons and how will they affect us? In the Bible, the Prophet Joel states, “The sun shall turn to darkness, and the moon to blood, prior to the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” (Joel 3:4).

Rabbi Tuly Weisz:
Blood Moons a “Sign of Excitement and Messianic Advancement” [VIDEO]

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, publisher of Breaking Israel News, believes that the upcoming Blood Moon is not a cause for fear, but rather a “sign of excitement and messianic advancement.”

Torah Codes End to Darkness DVD

The Torah Codes End to Darkness DVD demonstrates through first hand interviews and advanced computer technology that Biblical codes are mathematically provable. 2000 hidden codes have already been discovered!

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo of a full moon rising over the Dead Sea was taken by Yehoshua Halevi.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Thank You For the Inspirational Word of God That I Receive
Every Day

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Thank you for the inspirational Word of God that I receive everyday. May it continue and flourish amongst God's children. My thoughts on the near coming of the Lord is that He will come on a cloud. And everyone will see Him. I hope and pray that I will have the opportunity soon to relocate to Israel, because I want to be in God's City when He comes back to be with His children. God's Blessings be with you and the whole of Israel.
Riana Wait from South Africa
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA