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Monday, October 19, 2015

God Often Speaks In Silence by Wayne Sutton

God Often Speaks In Silence by Wayne Sutton

Identity Network
The life of a prophet is one with many visions, deep impressions of the soul, and often 'silence.'
Why does "one who hears" find silence from the Lord?  I believe that silence itself is one powerful way that our Father communicates with his children.
A silence, a soft wind, a hush among the noise...How do you hear God?
As one of my children may ask me a question, I do not always verbally answer. My answer may be a look that corrects or affirms their question or actions.  My silence is not a place of rejection or distance from my children - instead it's an act of pure love.
Silence Will Demand Wisdom
Often when we receive an instant answer for every question we ask, we tend to lose our own identity and assurance in our ability to make decisions.  I love when my children ask me questions, yet I also desire to see them mature into a child that will learn to allow wisdom to grow within their life and be displayed in areas where decisions are required. Silence is communication.
Silence Will Create Attention
"Are you listening to me... hello....?"
When we speak and 'feel" like we have not been heard (even though God always hears), it refocuses us and directs our attention back to the Lord.  Many times we will begin a fast or spend time in worship and prayer. Silence often aligns our heart back into the spirit realm we are created to live and thrive in! Silence is communication.
Silence is Only for a Season
Knock and it will be opened for you.  A knock is a call - the reply comes from the one that has the power to open the door. Silence is for a season, and if you are not hearing God in this season, or about a certain situation, then trust that God is still hearing you.  Trust that the spirit of wisdom comes upon us and we live from that reality even when we do not "hear" a clear voice from God.  Silence is communication.
Seek Counsel in Times of Silence
A few years ago a great friend of our ministry came to me and asked to me to seek the Lord for her about a situation in her life.  I diligently prayed and sought the Lord on her behalf. 
Yet, I heard nothing from the Lord. 
This was very unusual, and so I prayed and sought the Lord yet again, and yet again.  Several days later in our next meeting I apologetically explained that although I minister prophetically almost every day, in her case I had heard nothing.  "Amen!" she shouted...then she admitted that she had asked God for my silence as a prophet - so that SHE could be sure that even the silence was from God. We both learned the importance of silence in that season. Silence is communication.
God always hears his children and God speaks in many different ways - even through prophetic silence.  Always seek and trust the Lord in your life!
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
Wayne Sutton

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA