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Friday, October 23, 2015

Israel Will Respond Strongly to Palestinian Terror - CHARISMA NEWS

Terrorism continues in Jerusalem, a great deal of it stemming from the conflict over the Temple Mount.

Terrorism continues in Jerusalem, a great deal of it stemming from the conflict over the Temple Mount. (Reuters file photo )

Israel Will Respond Strongly to Palestinian Terror

Standing With Israel
While Israel is under constant attack, with four attacks in one day alone this week, the nation is united in vowing to eradicate Palestinian terrorism. 
Yair Lapid a leader of the opposition noted: "If someone attacks with a butcher knife and storms at an Israeli citizen, I am not willing to have a discussion about his motives. If someone comes out with an ax and attacks a woman at the bus stop, I am not ready to have a debate on the most polite way to neutralize him.

If Abu Mazen (PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas) is selling lies to his people even though he knows it encourages violence and bloodshed, I will not be among those who ignore it. The silence of the left against Abbas is a new level of complete disillusionment with their philosophy. What lies in front of it is a simple and absolute truth: Jewish blood is not cheap."
While the media wrongly portrays Israel's response to terror as equal to Palestinian terrorism, Israel's viewpoint can be summarized by the ideological leader of the Likud, Netanyahu's political party.
As Ze'ev Jabotinsky said in 1938, "Human society is based on reciprocity. If you remove reciprocity, justice becomes a lie. A person walking somewhere on a street has the right to live only because and only to the extent that he acknowledges my right to live.
But, if he wishes to kill me, to my mind he forfeits his right to exist—and this also applies to nations. Otherwise, the world would become a racing area for vicious predators, where not only the weakest would be devoured, but the best."
Expect a strong price to be paid by those who murder in Israel. This terrorist jihad must end.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA