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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Israelis and Palestinians march together in Jerusalem solidarity rally


Israelis and Palestinians march together in Jerusalem solidarity rally

Analysis: The unrest in Israel is the intifada no one wants

Back-to-back stabbing attacks in West Bank; IDF soldier hurt, Palestinian assailants shot

Hundreds take to the streets in the capital, calling for end to current round of violence.

Israelis and Palestinians come together for solidarity march in Jerusalem, October 17, 2015. (photo credit:LAURA KELLY)
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Hundreds of Israelis -- Jews, Arabs, and Palestinians marched through the center of Jerusalem calling for an end to the current round of violence and calling on people to support coexistence and a solution to the occupation.

The event, which began on Facebook, organized for people to come from Tel Aviv and Haifa as well.

Representatives from Jerusalem's Hand in Hand school - a bilingual Hebrew Arabic school which promotes coexistence, spoke at the event as well as representatives from other peace interest groups including the forum for Israeli-Palestinian bereaved parents for peace, reconciliation and tolerance.

Hadil, an Israeli-Arab from mi'ilya in the western galilee, said she came because of her belief in the importance of Arabs and Jews standing together. Although she added that despite the good nature of the event, it doesn't attract all the people it should.

"Sometimes Arabs think that the peace the jews talk about is not the same peace Arabs talk about - some Jews also think this and don't come."

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA