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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Palestinian Authority's Grotesque Response to Jerusalem Attacks

Palestinian Authority's Grotesque Response to Jerusalem Attacks

Sunday, October 04, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Jerusalem, or at least the area around the Old City, has become something of a war zone over the past few days.
In at least two separate attacks, two Israelis have been knifed to death, a Jewish toddler has been stabbed, and several more people have been wounded for no other reason than walking in certain areas while being Jewish.
And how have Israel’s peace partners in the Palestinian Authority responded? By blaming Israel, naturally.
When a 19-year-old Palestinian man mercilessly killed two Israeli men, critically wounded the wife of one of the victims and stabbed their helpless 2-year-old child near Lions’ Gate on Saturday, he was shot and killed by soldiers responding to the scene.
Similarly, when another knife-wielding terrorist stabbed and seriously injured a 15-year-old Israeli near Damascus Gate on Sunday, he, too, was gunned down to prevent any further bloodshed.
The statement released by the Palestinian Authority in the wake of these attacks insisted that the “killing of two young men in occupied Jerusalem” was part and parcel of Israel’s “policy of escalation.” The regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas urgently called upon the international community to intervene against Israel.
Nowhere in the statement did Abbas acknowledge that the two slain Palestinian men had only been shot because they had first perpetrated murderous attacks against passing Jews. In fact, the statement didn’t mention the Jewish victims at all.
Tellingly, some foreign media followed Abbas’ lead, headlining the story in a way that sought to disconnect the deaths of the Palestinian men and their Jewish victims, and to blame Israel for the former.
For example, the BBC first headlined the story of the Lions’ Gate attack “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two.” A more fitting and accurate headline would have noted that two ISRAELIS had been killed and their attacker eliminated.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA