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Friday, October 16, 2015

"Prepare your hearts...for war is coming." Maurice Sklar - prophetic word - Israel & His Bride - 10.15.15

Maurice Sklar (Facebook)
Oct. 15, 2015

"The LORD says, "I have made My nation of Israel like a mousetrap, and My city Jerusalem is the cheese. All nations much choose to either bless her or curse her. But, doesn't my Word say that every nation shall turn against her in the Day of the LORD? All nations shall finally wind up in the valley of Megiddo (the battle of Armageddon) to try to stop My Glorious return and to set up My Kingdom? 

I have told you so clearly in My Word the end from the beginning. I sit in the heavens on My Holy throne and laugh at My enemies in derision. Oh My people, hide yourself in My secret place, for the day of My Holy Judgment is here...prepare your hearts, for war is coming. I must allow peace to be removed from the nations, for the first seal is broken. 

I am taking back the earth, for it is Mine. Behold, you must choose now! It is harvest time. I am gathering the wicked in bundles to burn them. My harvesting Angels have been released into the earth. I will gather my people to Me. You must choose! Separate from Babylon and the darkness of this earth! I am coming for My Bride."

Maurice Sklar
Oct. 15, 2015

Maurice Sklar

Photo added by Steve Martin - City of Light/INSP, Indian Land, SC 2013

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA