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Friday, October 9, 2015

We Need To Hear God - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

We Need To Hear God
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.”
(Proverbs 4:20 Complete Jewish Bible)

How often do you need direction? Ever take a wrong turn because the GPS or Google maps app led you to a dead end road? It has done it to me.

Do you ever need wisdom to know what is the right thing to do, when to do it and how to do it? Probably everyday if we admit it.

As it happens often, I personally have to choose to give the Lord the opportunity to speak to me, so who and what I hear is coming from Him. Yes, He is speaking – through His Word, by way of other people sharing a thought with me, or having His Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew) drop a word in my brain at any given moment. If I am spiritually open, I will know it is Him.

Choosing to hear the Lord is up to each individual. Being raised a Roman Catholic, I thought it was the priest’s job to hear God. If God wanted to say something to me, of course He’d tell the priest and I’d hear it during his little sermonette given once a week at Sunday Mass. I could just sit back and let the man of the cloth do it. He was closer to God, right? (While at the University of Northern Iowa in the fall of 1973, my one and only year of college at the age of 18, the Lord revealed Himself to me big time. I then divinely understood what He meant when He told Peter Who the Rock was. It was Jesus Himself.)

For the “Protestants”, those having a pastor or teacher of the Bible can easily expect him to just tell you what to do during your weekly meeting. So why read your Bible or pray daily during a daily quiet time with the Lord? Let someone else do it for you. Or so many mistakenly think.

We can allow the constant onslaught of noise to so occupy our thoughts that even when He does speak we may not know it. That is our loss. It will cost us now and later.

The Almighty God, Creator of the universe, wants to communicate with His children. He desires to give us direction and wisdom, but we must give Him a quiet break in our lives to be able to hear Him.

It takes time to learn to hear the Lord’s voice. It is a discipline we must have. Being able to discern when He speaks is an ongoing process, even as we learned to listen in our youth. As a young child growing up, given time over the months and years, each child becomes accustomed to the sound of their parents’ voices. I heard once that even the unborn baby begins to recognize the voice of their mother. They respond accordingly when she talks. (Yet another reason to protect the unborn in their mother’s womb at any stage of their living growth.) So it is with the Lord. It takes time, but we can learn to hear His voice.
I often find myself during the day asking the Lord for help in my office accounting work for three businesses. It becomes especially necessary as the years have gone by and my memory banks do not seem to be as easily able to access the info needed. I like the joke I heard once of the aged one who said, “It takes a little longer to get the answer to a question nowadays. With all the information I have packed in my mind, those memory banks have more to process through.”

We need to hear God for our own personal lives. We need to hear God for our families. We need to be a part of the “working” Body of Christ, that rises up in our culture and declares His truth, opposing the deception rampantly spreading throughout the world. Only by hearing His voice will we be able to do it.

For the congregation we are connected to, we need to hear God. For the nation we abide in, we desperately need to know what the Lord is saying, so we can hear, obey and move forward with His directives.

Hearing God is especially more true today as His written Word has been replaced in all areas of society, including our government and the arts. Knowing what is now going on in the educational system, which presses upon our children’s minds a godless, humanistic, crumbling foundation; and Islamic and other false religions subtlety and blatantly showing up in text books and teachers’ lessons - we have got to hear the Lord, so we can act properly, and be sure our kids know the truth, and are raised right!

I encourage you to do whatever it takes for you to hear God. My practice is to give Him the first hour of the day. In order to do that I personally have to cut back the time I stay up at night watching TV. It is worth it, as He shares His heart with me in the morning hours.

How about you? Do you want to hear the Lord speak to you? Then give Him that time to do so. Believe me, He is waiting and willing to speak to you.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #185 “We Need To Hear God” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (10.09.15) Friday at 6:30 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA