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Friday, November 13, 2015

Carolyn Hyde - The back routes - Heart of G-d Ministries

Carolyn Hyde
The back routes
Heart of G-d Ministries
Nov. 13, 2015

As I was driving along the bridge road in Louisiana, the L-rd put it on my heart to prophesy over the waters, that a great Exodus will come through this region, an exodus of Jews and Christians will help them to get to the ocean to take ships to go home to Israel. There will be canoes, lifeboats, rafts, speedboats, and all kinds of small crafts that will carry the people down the rivers, the tributaries, the bayous.

"But how will people know the way to take?" I asked.

"They will need native born people from Louisiana to show them the back routes."

And then it hit me what happened earlier today! I was doing Aliyah counseling with a dear friend and I didn't notice my gas gauge so I ended up running out of gas along the highway in Louisiana. I was pretty much out in the middle of nowhere! There were three or four trailers off the side of the road but there was a tall fence with a bayou separating me from them. 

But suddenly a man walked out of his house to pick up his mail and he saw me as I was waving to him. So when he walked over to the fence and heard how I had run out of gas, he offered to bring his truck around and help me. Bless his heart! His name was Michael and he is a native born person from Louisiana.   After we got the gas in the portable tank, Michael said to me, "I'm going to take the back route to get you back on the highway."

The back route! That's what the L-rd is speaking to me about! And He will make a way!

Traffic jam in Baton Rouge! So I started complaining a little and I heard the L-rd say, "you have it so easy, girl". And I repented and realized that when the great Exodus begins from America, it's going to be nothing like the situation I'm in now. I'm a little stuck in traffic, and I'm a little tired because I only got five hours of sleep last night, but I have nuts and berries and water and I'm driving an air-conditioned car. 

I have Internet and GPS and all that I need to get to where I'm going. When the great Exodus begins the Jewish people and the Christians who will be helping them will have very few of these things. So yes, L-rd, you're right! I have it easy. Please forgive me for just trying to be comfortable and get to where I'm going so that I can rest and have a nice meal and shower.

More about the back routes - David took the back route when Saul was looking to kill him and he escaped with his life. After Ehud drove a knife in the evil king's belly, he was able to escape out the back door.

Moshe escaped death by the back route in a basket on the Nile and later he escaped to Midian. Stories abound of back routes in the Bible, featuring the Exodus as a whole book!

There was always some kind of preparation for back routes - making the cradle from tar so Moshe wouldn't sink, gathering dough in baskets, plundering the Egyptians, etc.

I walked in the mall and who's the first person I talk with? An Israeli named Dolev! Oy! Dolev put cream on one of my eyes and told me to come back and he would do the other eye.

Then I ran to the Apple store and they told me it would be at least an hour but maybe even not because I didn't have an appointment. But a young man named PJ helped me. He took the time and did all the necessary paperwork and even gave me a new iPhone! He's a Christian and he's getting married next year so I told him to come to Israel and that's exactly what he's been wanting to do but he needed some advice. I love how the L-rd works! So I made a new friend.

While in the store I got a letter from my prophetic friend Rhonda who is from Louisiana, telling me that she can join us on Thursday at an Aliyah meeting...

On the way out of the mall, I realized I passed by Dolev's place so I went back to talk with him to tell him that I really don't have time for a treatment. Standing with him was another Israeli name Moshe. We had a nice talk and they told me that there's a new Chabad house in the mall. I said I don't think they would like me very much because I'm a messianic Jew. So they asked me how did that happen and I was able to share my testimony with both Israelis!

When I finally arrived at Sonja's, what was the main thing she talked about from the beginning? Back routes!

May G-d bless you and cause His face to shine upon you always,


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA