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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "At the Ship's Harbor" - ISRAEL365

Zebulun shall settle by seashores.  He shall be at the ship's harbor, and his last border shall reach Zidon.

GENESIS (49:13)

זְבוּלֻן לְחוֹף יַמִּים יִשְׁכֹּן וְהוּא לְחוֹף אֳנִיֹּת וְיַרְכָתוֹ עַל צִידֹן

בראשית מט:יג

z'-vu-lun l'-khof ya-meem yish-kon v'-hu l'-khof a-neet v'-yar-kha-to al tzee-don

Today's Israel Inspiration

Each of the twelve tribes of Israel received a special portion of the Land to correspond to their unique spiritual attributes. According to Jewish tradition, Zebulun, the successful sea merchant, had a ‘partnership agreement’ with his brother Isaachar, who were the Torah scholars of the family. The arrangement was that Zebulun worked in order to support Isaachar’s noble profession of full time Torah study and they ‘split’ the spiritual revenue and heavenly reward that the joint venture earned. Learn more in our new, complete set of the Israel Bible, with original Hebrew text and a classic English translation alongside our original commentary to better illustrate God'€™s focus on the Land of Israel.

Israel: 100 Years in a Flash

Enjoy this beautiful account of the return of the Nation of Israel to her borders.

Leading Rabbi in Israel: Messiah Could Come
This Week

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky is one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation. In a distinctly uncharacteristic manner, he has recently begun making declarations of the Messiah’s imminent arrival.

Don't Wait! Get Your Menorah for Chanuka Now

This elegant 9-branched menorah is shaped like the Magen David, or Shield of David. It is the perfect combination of the Jewish six-pointed-star symbol and the holiday of Chanuka, a victory of light over darkness.

Israel Photo Trivia

Do you know where Elad Matityahu took this fabulous photo in Israel? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Mark Gruber of Springfield, Oregon. Todah rabah!

“Love Receiving Communication from Israel365”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Greetings from New Hampshire, United States of America! I love receiving communication from Israel365! My husband and I are hoping to visit Israel in the near future. I am praying for you my brothers and sisters. May God bless and comfort all of you, His children. Kathleen David Cote

Thank you for the informative e-mails sent. God bless, Dileeni of Berkshire, UK
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA