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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NORWAY - 'Judas' Betrayal Led to Massacre - Claim (Norway's Utoeya) - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

'Judas' Betrayal Led to Massacre – Claim

Wednesday, November 04, 2015 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
The tragedy of Norway’s Utoeya massacre was directly linked with the country’s policy toward Israel, a new book claims.
A breach in the wall (available from relates how the Norwegian Labour Party, once Israel’s greatest friend, had turned Judas by betraying them into the trap of the Oslo Accords which have given them twenty-plus years of terror instead of the promised ‘land for peace’.
Norway had thus been left particularly vulnerable to attack in view of God’s clear statement that those who curse Israel will come under judgment (Genesis 12.3). And Jeremy Hoff concludes that it was surely no coincidence that the tiny island of Utoeya, where the ruling Norwegian Labour Party’s youth wing (AUF) was enjoying its annual summer camp, was the scene of the deadliest massacre by a single gunman in world history – also referred to as Norway’s 9/11.
On July 22, 2011, right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people. After detonating a car-bomb in the heart of the Government complex, killing eight, he drove unhindered to Utoeya, where he slaughtered 69 left-wing political activists.
Only the day before, the campers had mounted a re-enactment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, complete with security wall and checkpoint, to help illustrate what they perceived as the causes of trouble in the region. Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store was photographed in front of a ‘Boycott Israel’ banner, and Palestinian youth had previously been hosted at the site while AUF had encouraged terrorism against Israel. They had reaped a bitter harvest.
The party’s youth had long been aggressively campaigning for a much more pro-Palestinian stance and, by 1993, the mother party became the official peace broker for the Oslo Accords which set up the mechanism for negotiations towards a two-state solution dividing Israel – against the clear commands of God (Joel 3.2) – and breathing new life into the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) in the process.
Norway still presides over the committee responsible for channeling millions of dollars of aid to the Palestinian Authority, much of which is frittered away by corrupt leaders feathering their own nest.
The author sees the tragedy as a warning from God, giving Norway the chance to repent. And on a visit to Britain earlier this month, he suggested that the rest of Europe, including the UK, also needed to heed this warning.
He tells of a profound experience a year before the massacre during which he wept bitterly for the sins Norway had committed against Israel and that subsequently – in an email dated August 28 2010 – he published a ‘prophetic revelation’ pertaining to an attack about to happen in which he noted: “Norway’s critical role [in the Oslo Accords] has placed the nation in a dangerous position of standing against God! Judgments are scheduled against Norway unless she repents of this serious sin.”
UK-based South African, Francois Botes, in a message given at a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base on another Norwegian island on May 11 2011, described a vision he saw of a flag flying at half-mast across the whole country “because of an event”, and it was soon after the tragedy that political scientist Per Haakonsen caused a media storm by linking Utoeya with the nation’s policy on Israel at a meeting organized by a local leader of the Christian Democratic Party.
Humanly speaking, the whole tragic episode could have been avoided but for a series of monumental communication blunders, starting with the approach road to the government complex, which had been flagged up as a security risk seven years earlier when it was recommended that it should be blocked off. Then there were questions as to why sufficient road blocks weren’t set up and how Breivik managed to board the only island ferry disguised as a policeman. Indeed, communication between police rescue teams broke down to the point of almost total confusion comparable to that which afflicted the ancient enemies of Israel in biblical records.
In fact there are too many ‘coincidences’ recounted in this book to allow any seriously open-minded reader to escape the conclusion that God takes a dim view of those who touch the apple of his eye (Zechariah 2.8).
The book is too important to be written off simply as the figment of overactive imagination, or even to be restricted to the ‘review’ section of theological journals. The message is basically a summing up of the Bible’s doctrine on the seed of Abraham – “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse” (Genesis 12.3) – with the help of meticulous documentation of a major modern catastrophe.
This was underscored by the first scripture publicly quoted by a Norwegian politician (Labour’s Oyvind Groslie-Wennesland) in association with the attacks – “He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121).
The author also emphasizes – as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has done in the past week – the PLO’s direct links with the Nazis. And yes, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, did help to persuade Hitler to annihilate the Jews rather than simply expel them.
Hoff also sees prophetic significance in the number of those killed – 77 – which is closely associated with vengeance in each of its three mentions in the Bible. In addition, the name Lord of Hosts (also translated Lord of Armies), a title denoting military authority, occurs exactly 77 times in the book of Jeremiah, generally seen as a prophet of doom despite many inspiring passages focusing on Israel’s future hope. And the generation experiencing the outpouring of God’s vengeance when Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70 was the 77th from Adam.
As it happened, the official investigation into the tragedy found that the road to Utoeya remained open for at least 77 minutes [after the bombing] before the national alarm was triggered.
It seems that God’s hand of protection on Norway had been lifted.
Asked if he had a ‘word for Britain’, Hoff’s answer was brief. It was “pride”, he said.

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA