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Friday, November 13, 2015

Ron Cantor: 'This Archaeological Find Proves Yeshua Is the Messiah' - CHARISMA NEWS STANDING WITH ISRAEL

Ron Cantor: 'This Archaeological Find Proves Yeshua Is the Messiah'

Standing With Israel
In 1947, a goatherd accidentally uncovered the oldest Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible.
Not only did these manuscripts prove the authenticity of the Bible, but they also confirmed that first century Jews were expecting a suffering Messiah (unlike the rabbis claim today). There was a conspiracy to keep the scrolls hidden for decades, but in 1991, Robert Eisenman went rogue and released copies of the secret scrolls.
What they tell us is amazing. See it in the video below: 

Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. His newest book is Identity Theft. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
For the original article, visit The opinions of this writer do not necessarily represent those of Charisma Media.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA