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Friday, November 6, 2015

Why Will Israel Survive? - Tom Brennan Charisma News

Israel will survive in the end times, but will America?

Israel will survive in the end times, but will America? (iStock file photo )

Why Will Israel Survive?

Standing With Israel
America is not even referred to in the Bible. Not even as the New Babylon, although it is beginning to resemble it more each day. Sorry to upset anyone, but it's not about us.
Israel has survived for over 3,500 years because of God's covenant and favor. Yes, there has been unfaithfulness, idolatry, dispersion, persecution, diaspora and Hamas, Hezbollah and Obama. Israel will survive. Why? Because God said it would.
So, how can we rescue America and the West in general from impending and brutal domination by Mahdist forces? Syria/Iraq and Iran are fighting for supremacy in bringing about the worldwide Mahdi who will force the world of infidels to submit to their version of Islam. Don't worry, one of these competitors will prevail and the loser will link with them. All the paper, deals and negotiations in the universe won't change that.
Israel has survived the great empires of the past: Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greece, Rome, Czars and Inquisitors and brutal Nazis and Fascists all tried in vain to eradicate Israel.
Will America and Europe survive assaults on religious freedom, family values and secular humanism that try to eradicate any mention of the Almighty? America is no longer a Christian country or so the President has decreed. Any criticism of Islam is denounced as racist while insults, ridicule and lawsuits are considered the rightly due of Christians and now Jews. "Smiley face" sermons in many churches avoid the increasing persecution for fear of 501c3 penalties.
The cruel reality of an outright war against God's people and His Word are crowded out by the urge to not offend anyone. Denominations are dividing on real Biblical issues such as same-sex marriage. They are also voting to boycott Israel on pretend humanitarian grounds over Palestine. Yeshua said a house divided against itself cannot stand; 60,000 denominations seem to bear witness to that.
So what lessons can we draw from these issues? First, admittance must be made that a war has begun. Christians and Jews are being targeted for suits and discrimination by many sources, atheists are suing daily to remove any mention of the Almighty, statues of Satan are openly displayed, television talk shows regularly criticize believers and have their lies taken seriously. Wars have winners and losers. Where do we stand?
Joshua called the houses of Israel together. He asked about their loyalty and whom they would serve. Yeshua said we can only serve one master. In our Western culture we have divided our societies into civil and faith. Today the civil openly shows disrespect for faith.
Once more, whom will we serve? Our enemies from outside and within our borders seek to divide us even further than we have divided ourselves. We are a part of a spiritual Israel and as long as our loyalty is to the Messiah who will return to that place—on the Mount of Olives—we will survive. 

Note: The opinions of this writer are not necessarily those of Charisma Media.
Tom Brennan has worked in quite a few professions. Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, he worked as a museum curator, archivist and graphics curator, library administrator, small business owner, animal care worker, sheriff's deputy, rancher, farmer, author, researcher and NewsBlogger. He plans to volunteer for Sar-El next year and see Israel from the ground up. When he's not digging into news, he works with Arabian horses and other breeds in Boise, Idaho.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA