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Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Becoming Spiritually Perceptive and Becoming a Prophetic Trumpet" Wade E. Taylor, formerly Nanjemoy, MD - The Elijah List

It Starts with Hearing and Responding
After this, I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in Heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, "Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."Revelation 4:1
"After this, I looked." The result of John's response to the manifestation of the presence of the Lord was an opening into the realm of the Spirit – a" it were of a trumpet talking with me."This "voice as a trumpet" is a call to action, and speaks of spiritual direction and authority. Notice that the door opened when John looked.(Photo via Pixabay)
For those who are responding as John responded, there is an empowering that has to do with "dominion" that is being imparted at this present time. When this verse was quickened to me, I began asking the Lord to "show me things which must be hereafter." This prayer is being answered.
The Lord is knocking. Our part is to hear and respond. I often pray concerning my ability to "hear" spiritually. I am never satisfied that I am hearing clearly enough, as no matter how well I am hearing, I can hear better.
The Lord is Calling Us to Become an Apostolic, Prophetic People
This "voice as a trumpet" is a corporate voice that will function in all those who will be saying and doing the same thing. Notice that the promise to the overcomer is to sit with the Lord in His throne. This has to do with spiritual authority.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne. Revelation 3:21
This dominion, as the "sound of many waters," is an end time function of those who are "overcomers," who will receive apostolic authority. This relates to our being able to speak a creative word, which will have "authority with consequence." (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "The Secret Place" via
At this present time, the Lord is calling us to become an apostolic, prophetic people – not apostles or prophets, as that is a ministry office. This is a Kingdom impartation into those who, as overcomers, have been dealt with so that they will not use this authority for any personal gain, to accomplish the end-time purposes of the Lord.
This will begin to happen as the Lord increasingly takes His place as the Head of those to whom He is being joined: those who are hearing and responding to His knocking. These are being "caught up" into a higher realm of spiritual life and authority.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Making Yourself Ready
Concerning Moses, Acts tells us that he was "mighty in words and in deeds."But after being in the wilderness, where he came to the end of all human ability, his response was, "Lord, when I spoke my mind, it got me in a lot of trouble; now I have nothing to say, unless You speak."
So also, those whom the Lord is preparing are being "scourged" that all human ambition might be removed.
For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. Hebrews 12:6
If we yield to this process and overcome, we will become a part of this end-time prophetic voice, "His wife hath made herself ready" (Revelation 19:7). The Lord is preparing a people for "that day." 
(Photo by Donna Smallenberg "Arise, Shine" via
As we wait upon the Lord, asking that we will better hear His voice, and have the enabling grace to rightly respond, we will become a part of this prophetic trumpet, and begin to move in corporate harmony, as the "sound of many waters."
It is imperative that we spend time, waiting in the presence of the Lord, that we can become a part of the Body that will function directly under the dictate of the Head.
...Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Matthew 25:23
The Lord is getting a people ready. May each one of us be found among these, in that day.
Wade Taylor
Parousia Ministries / Wade Taylor Publications

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Wade Taylor graduated to Heaven on February 29, 2012. He served others as a teacher and spiritual father for over 50 years. He was respected and loved by many for his quality of spirit and walk with his Lord. He was an anointed author, bringing forth deep truths of the Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that drew the reader up into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nancy Taylor Warner, serves as Executive Director of Parousia Ministries, carrying the vision passed on from her father, Wade Taylor. In addition, she has established Parousia Prayer Chapel, hosts Parousia Ministries Gatherings, and travels from time to time to speak and pray with others. 
Her background as administrator, pastor, teacher, and missionary has prepared her for what the Lord is doing today. Nancy's special gift of relating to and loving people stems from her own love for Jesus and His Kingdom. Her spiritual life messages flow into the hearts and spirits of those to whom she ministers. 
Nancy has an expectation for visitation and carries a prophetic word that speaks into that which the Lord is doing today. For spiritual life teachings and to learn more about the vision of Parousia Prayer Chapel please visit
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA