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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Demand for the Bible has Exploded in Iran, You Won’t Guess Where From - Israel, Islam & End Times

Demand for the Bible has Exploded in Iran, You Won’t Guess Where From - Israel, Islam & End Times  Dec. 13, 2015

THOUSANDS of Iranians are risking their lives to gain access to one of the countries most contraband items—the Bible; and they’re getting it from an unexpected source.
The monumentally popular YouVersion Bible app has officially topped 200 million installs across the globe, with developers announcing that the most popular verse in the app’s history is Romans 12:2.
That scripture, which is both the most read and shared, reads as follows: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Produced by Life.Church, an Oklahoma-based megachurch that has made a name for itself by streaming its services throughout the world, founders say that the tool is transforming lives, with increases of up to 1,886 percent in usage in places like Iran over the past two years.

“What God is doing through YouVersion is incredible — changing mobile devices into Bibles that people carry with them everywhere they go,” app creator and Life.Church pastor Bobby Gruenewald said in a statement. “As we see the magnitude of 200 million installs, what we’re really celebrating is what that number represents: countless moments of individuals transformed by their time in the Bible.”
The YouVersion Bible app has been downloaded over 200 million times.

Perhaps the most notable development is the locations in which use of the digital Bible is continuously thriving, with the most prevalent searches among users overall involving “marriage, love, faith, prayer and fasting.”
The exciting aspirations of Life.Church in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The YouVersion Bible app, which allows people to read the Bible and connect with like-minded believers, has been installed among individuals in every nation on Earth, reported “triple-digit growth and beyond” in places like Cameroon, Iran, Suriname, Bulgaria and other locations, since hitting a 100 million download benchmark in July 2013, according to a press release.
The app downloaded by Iranians has gone up a staggering 1886%!!

The remarkable growth has expanded the initial offering of 12 Bible versions in two languages to 1,237 versions in 900 languages. Find out more about the YouVersion Bible app here.
Israel Islam and End Times

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA