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Friday, December 18, 2015

Dr. James Dobson Makes His Presidential Endorsement - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson, founder and president of Family Talk, has announced his endorsement for President of the United States. Among the most influential advisers on matters of family in the U.S., his support for a candidate is seen as a big boost for any candidate. (Video Screenshot Image)

Love For His People Editor's Note: Please see my comments following this article.

Dr. James Dobson Makes His Presidential Endorsement

When Dr. James Dobson speaks, most evangelical Christians listen. As the founder and president of Family Talk, which produces a radio program heard on 1300 outlets around the world and on the Internet, he commands a very large audience.
In other words, his endorsement carries a lot of weight, particularly in presidential politics.
Dobson put his weight behind U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), endorsing the presidential candidate's campaign. Among the nation's most trusted advisers on marriage, child development, and the family he was quick to point out the senator's record on religious liberty, life, and marriage was "second to none" in the current GOP field.
"I have met with the senator on multiple occasions: he is brilliant, articulate, and informed," Dobson said. "Shirley and I have been praying for a leader such as this, and we are confident that Ted Cruz has the moral and spiritual foundations to lead our nation with excellence. Speaking as private individuals, we urge conservatives and people of faith to join us in supporting his race for the presidency."
Dobson has advised three presidents on matters pertaining to marriage and the family and is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to preserving and equipping families. His wife Shirley is chairwoman of The National Day of Prayer Task Force, which sponsors tens of thousands of prayer gatherings, gathering millions of Americans together in prayer for the nation.
"Dr. Dobson has mentored and encouraged three generations of American families," Cruz said. "Dr. Dobson's wisdom and common sense have inspired health and healing in millions of lives. He has rallied people around the world with a vision for happy marriages and beautiful home life. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Dobson's gift to the world—he has been a voice of hope and a guide to many of us, and I am thrilled to have his support."
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Love For His People Editor's Note: I highly respect Dr. James Dobson and his leadership. His books on raising children were read and adhered to by my wife and I as we raised our four kids during the 1980's and 1990's. His earlier radio program, Focus on the Family, has had tremendous impact on our nation.

We certainly appreciate and respect Dr. Dobson's choice. The Republicans have several good choices, and we are listening! 

As citizens of the USA, who also believe in the Lord Jesus, each of us needs to stand up and speak out. Don't believe lies that some who are involved in our media and elected government officials would say as otherwise; whether locally, statewide or nationally. We have as much right to write, speak, and influence as the next citizen. Noone cannot and will not prevent us from doing just that. The US Constitution does not prevent any US Christian citizens from fully participating in the political election process.

Some have taken the "separation of church and state" concept and absolutely misconstrued it in our time to mean the very opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended. We CERTAINLY have the right to declare in our churches and other gathering areas our stance on all matters of life and living in the USA. Don't be deceived by those who would threaten otherwise.

Our nation's freedom of speech laws were set in place in the founding years of the United States of America. From the very beginning, these and other laws allow us to voice our opinion, just as others have that right also.

So be informed. Speak up and speak out.

Be seeking the Lord for His election choices. Be involved in the political process, and vote when that time comes.

I most certainly will be too.

Steve Martin,
Love For His People blog

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA