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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Form of Terrorism? Arabs Snare Jewish Girls Through Seduction then Trap them in Arab Villages - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

(Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

New Form of Terrorism? Arabs Snare Jewish Girls Through Seduction then Trap them in Arab Villages - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

“When Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her, he took her and lay with her by force. He was deeply attracted to Dinah the daughter of Jacob” (Genesis 34:2-3)
In recent weeks, Israel’s home front has become its front-line. The war on Israelis has another consequence: the mistreatment of Jewish girls trapped in Arab villages.
For many years, Learn and Return, a non-profit organization, has tracked the phenomenon of Arab men seducing very young, vulnerable Jewish girls with gifts and compliments, until the girls willingly go into their Arab village. Once in an Arab village, the girl becomes the object of abuse and servitude to her Arab beau and his family, and her chances for escape are virtually nil.
“In the Arab world, it is considered an honor of the highest order to get a Jewish girl to convert to Islam,” explains Patty Kupfer, founder of Learn and Return to Breaking Israel News. “There are many stories where Arab men pretended to be Jewish until the girl ‘fell in love’ and then found out that the man was an Arab. By then, it can often be too late.”
“This situation is not at all like intermarriage in the US,” she adds. “This goes way beyond prevention of assimilation or intermarriage. It is literally about saving the lives of young girls.”
Every year, hundreds of girls trapped in Arab villages call Israeli hotlines, begging to be rescued. Whenever there is an Arab uprising or increase in terrorism, the number of calls skyrockets.
Save Jewish Girls from Abuse
“The men are furious with Israel, and that fury is taken out on their Jewish wives,” Kupfer told Breaking Israel News. “At these times, the girls are beaten mercilessly. After a recent stabbing attack in Jerusalem, an Arab man came home and struck his Jewish wife in the face with an ax. She was bleeding and no one from her husband’s family came to help her. While Israelis are targets in the streets, Jewish girls are defenseless targets in the Arab villages.”
Learn and Return invests most of its efforts in prevention, reaching out to Jewish girls who have become involved with Arab men by providing them whatever was missing in their lives . Many of these girls come from dysfunctional, abusive or poverty-stricken homes and crave warmth, attention and affection. Some are living on the streets, where drug and alcohol abuse have destroyed their self-esteem.
Learn and Return has a shelter and provides rescue counseling, vocational placement, food, clothing and a safe-house, along with a lot of love and emotional support, to get the girls back on track. The cost to save and rehabilitate a girl can range from $500-$5,000.
The organization has saved close to 1,000 girls in its first three years of operation, but its work is far from finished. With hundreds, if not thousands, of Jewish girls involved in abusive relationships with Arab men, Learn and Return seeks much-needed funding from generous and caring donors. “Supporting Learn and Return truly fulfills the Bible’s command to preserve life,” Kupfer emotionally shares with Breaking Israel News. “Biblically, saving a life overrides virtually any other considerations.”

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA