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Saturday, December 12, 2015

"Prophetic Children: To See a Prophecy Come to Pass it Must Be Believed and Acted Upon" by David Walters THE ELIJAH LIST

"Another Prophecy? Well, We Will Just See What Happens..."
The Lord recently revealed to me what is happening in the Charismatic kingdom today regarding the interest and a desire for prophecy and prophets. He said that prophecy and prophets are very popular and people wait patiently for the next prophetic utterance. He showed me the prophetic conferences and websites which are popular with many people. He also reminded me that of the many prophetic declarations brought forth, some have been fulfilled, yet others haven't.
He then showed me that an unfulfilled prophecy often devolves into a delayed prophecy, and finally ends up as a discarded prophecy. As I meditated on this, I saw that most of us have short memories, so many discarded prophecies have now gone out of sight. 
The Lord told me He knows and remembers everything, except confessed sin which is cast into the sea of His forgetfulness and remembered no more.
He told me that to see a prophecy come to pass, it must be believed and acted upon. 
Just to nod and say, "Another prophecy! Well! We will see what happens," is not helping to bring it to pass. He reminded me that, "Without faith it's impossible to please Him." 
(Photo via Tawny Nelson)
"Does this mean we accept every prophecy that is uttered?" I asked, "No!" He replied.
"What about the certified and recognized prophets? Are those the only ones we trust?" He said, "Even those can make mistakes. Remember, no one is infallible."
Then He reminded me of the Scripture, "For we know in part and prophesy in part."
Prophecy: Children Do Not Have a Baby or Junior Holy Spirit
Many years ago, I prophesied that God would use children in the last days to bring about a great revival, which was considered to be rather radical at the time. Most leaders feel that if revival comes it should come down from the leaders to the congregations. In other words, it comes through the front door and, more likely, in the large, prestigious front doors of the mega churches.
Personally, I have found in over 50 years of ministry that revival has mostly come through the back door and, in many times, by the children."Children...are for signs and wonders" (Isaiah 8:18).
I have personally seen God use children and youth for signs and wonders over the years.
In my book "Children Aflame with the Spirit" on the 17th Century Wesleyan Revival, there are numerous accounts of amazing supernatural events with children which confirms the amazing events that I have seen in my meetings. This book was one of the most popular books sold during the "Brownsville Pensacola Revival." I also had the privilege of ministering there twice during that revival.
In my meetings many miracles have happened when children have prayed for the sick during the "miracle service." When I have children praying for the sick, we have had as high as 100% healed; usually an average of 70%-85% are healings. 
Last year I was in a church in North Carolina; I had the children pray for a man who was born deaf. After a couple of attempts by the children, the man began to hear. He was so excited that he signaled his wife, who was also born deaf, to come and be prayed for. When the children first prayed for her, she seemed confused; but as I whispered in her ear, she began to speak what I was saying to her. The people were amazed. 
(Photo via James Goll)
Many children have been to Heaven, seen Hell, and have had angels visit them. In Ireland one time, as the anointing fell on the children and youth, they were transformed in Heaven; their faces were bright red and they were miming with their hands as to what was happening. Many were trying to draw pictures in the air.
In a meeting I was teaching at, one little boy was struck dumb, because he was talking and fooling around. When I found out, I told the boy to repent, so he did. While he was repenting he still couldn't talk, but as soon as he finished repenting he got his voice back. In amazement, he cried out, "I can talk, I can talk!"
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
In another conference I was speaking at, a young boy told me the Lord had said to him that he was sending him back to his hometown to preach to his friends, the children in his neighborhood, the children at his school, and then when he was older He would send him to be a missionary. Two years later, he came back to the same yearly conference and his parents told me he had led over 100 children to the Lord. He was then 12 years old.
Often, children have been "glued" to the floor and couldn't move until the Holy Spirit had finished with them.
Much of what I prophesied and believed has come to pass. Twenty-five years ago I proclaimed that children did not have a baby or junior Holy Spirit. Today, many leaders are quoting that, so children are being used far more than they ever have been.
"My Time is Always Now! So Do Not Hinder the Children"
Part of being a prophet is to go farther than anyone else has been in order to bring others into the next phase of God's divine purpose. Prophets also need patience. I have been marking time waiting for others to come to the complete vision of what the Lord showed me years ago, but many have settled for a measure rather than fullness. 
The Lord told me now was the time to reaffirm what He had showed me years ago. So now is the time for us to prepare. Prepare is better than repair. (Photo via Pixabay)
One of the biggest obstacles of hindering the coming to pass of the fulfillment of this prophecy is to keep children locked up in the "children's church." Tradition, or the common ways that things are executed, hinders that "paradigm shift" that God's desires to accomplish. Having children marching or running around the church during worship waving flags and banners before they go off to the children's church is not revival, especially if that is all they have to add to the spiritual welfare of the Church.
It's great for children to have "Holy Ghost Children's Meetings" where the youngsters are encouraged to pray for each other and move in the gifts and taught to become soul winners, as numbers of churches are doing – but how about if and when a child brings the "word of the Lord" forth in a main meeting? That has happened in numbers of churches. 
How about having some of the children join the prayer team to minister alongside the adults to those that have needs? How about having some talented and anointed children part of the worship team? I've seen a young boy, an anointed drummer, give out visions that were right on.
It's great to hold "Holy Spirit Workshops" for children and youth. This is where the youngsters learn how to prophesy, have visions and words of knowledge for each other.
Just recently I was ministering in a church in California where the children were under the anointing, dancing, prophesying, praying for the sick, and having a fire tunnel to bless the whole congregation.
My prophecy still stands and will come to pass, but we must let go of our old traditions and mindsets and realize there is no age in the Spirit to be able to enter in and to be part of this prophecy fulfillment. 
Don't lock up children in children's church. The children and youth have assets and can become a great benefit to the spiritual welfare of our churches. 
(Photo by Donna Smallenberg "Out of the Darkness" via
"My time is always now!" says the Lord "For now is the day of salvation – not tomorrow or yesterday, for I dwell in the continuous present, outside of time. I already see all things fulfilled. My people are still waiting on Me to fulfill their spiritual goals and ambitions, yet I am still waiting on them to enter in and receive them, so wait no longer and do not hinder the children."
If we are waiting on God and He is waiting on us, who will wait the longest?
David Walters
Good News Ministries

David Walters currently ministers both nationally and internationally to families, pastors, youth pastors, children's pastors, parents, children, and teens. God uses David to impart a vision to pastors, elders, parents, and teachers in a way that brings the younger saints into a place where they become effective, viable members of the Body of Christ. David has witnessed the Holy Spirit move on whole churches, including children and teenagers, who were touched by God's power. 
In his special "Family Revelation & Ministry" workshops, he not only unfolds the keys to parents and teachers, but also empowers them to become successful in raising families, including the youngsters, to become godly, powerful, and anointed. David has been featured in "Charisma" magazine and has written articles for "Ministries Today." He was also interviewed on TBN By Dr. Mark Chironna. David is the author of seventeen books.
David's daughters, Faith and Lisa Joy, traveled with him when they were children. From time to time he now brings his grandsons to assist him at his meetings. David believes that it is time for whole families to become part of God's mighty Kingdom.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA