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Friday, December 18, 2015

Rare Beautiful Footage of Israel's Ibex ✡ "I Am Joseph" - ISRAEL365

And Joseph said to his brothers, ‘I am Joseph,
is my father still alive?’

GENESIS (45:3)

וַיֹּאמֶר יוֹסֵף אֶל אֶחָיו אֲנִי יוֹסֵף הַעוֹד אָבִי חָי

בראשית מ’’ה:ג

va-yo-mer yo-sayf el e-khav a-nee yo-sayf ha-od a-vee khai

Shabbat Inspiration

In this week's Torah portion (Genesis 44:18-47:27), Joseph and his brothers are reunited with the heartstopping words: "I am Joseph!" After years of separation, Joseph emotionally asks his brothers, ‘Is my father still alive?’ Over the centuries, this question has become a statement, in our absolute conviction that our Father in Heaven is indeed alive and constantly looking out for the welfare of His children. Learn more in our new, complete set of the Israel Bible, with original Hebrew text and a classic English translation, alongside insightful commentary to better illustrate God's focus on the Land of Israel.

Rare Beautiful Footage
of the Ibex 

Enjoy this rare footage of Israel’s most magnificent animals, the Nubian Ibex. An incredible (and cute!) glimpse into Israel’s wildlife.

Torah Scroll Being Written to Present to Messiah

Rabbi Yosef Berger, one of the rabbis in charge of King David’s Tomb in Jerusalem, is moving ahead quickly with a dream to write one Torah scroll to unify all of Israel, to be ready to present as a gift to the Messiah. Many prominent rabbis and Kabbalists have told Rabbi Berger that may be very soon indeed.

Embossed Painting of the Four Holy Cities of Israel

This beautiful depiction of the four holiest cities in Israel is the perfect ornament for your wall. From the northern city of Safed, to Tiveria on the coast of the Kineret, to Jerusalem in the midst of the Judean mountains and Hebron in the south, the changing landscape is related through the colors, beginning with greens and blues to the north and softening to pinks, purples, and golds to the south. Bordered by a verse in Genesis, this piece truly captures the wonder of the Land of Israel.

Today's Israel Photo

Bar Artzi Photography took this stunning photo of sunset over Tamrur Cliff in the Dead Sea region.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Edgar Fagerheim of Millis, Massachusetts. Todah rabah!

“Love Your Website”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Hello, My name is Michele "Shelley" Hedlund and I love Israel. I am a Gentile Christian from Willmar, Minnesota. Willmar is a small town of 20,000 people two hours west of Minneapolis-St. Paul. I have been making trips to Israel every year since 2007 and just returned from my latest trip on Oct. 16 of this year. My church, End-Time Glory Ministries, also loves Israel and my pastor leads trips there every year. Most of the time I travel there with her. We pray regularly for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you for putting me on your email list. Feel free to send any prayer requests. Shalom, Shelley

I love your website. I would love to actually go to Israel one day... Have a blessed day, B.Cizek
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA