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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Terrorists Burn Down Gospel TV Station - MEGAN THURBUR CHARISMA NEWS

A man stands among the charred remains of the TV station.
A man stands among the charred remains of the TV station. (Courtesy)

Terrorists Burn Down Gospel TV Station

12/4/2015 MEGAN THURBUR Charisma News
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World Impact Ministries (WIM) received devastating news five days ago that terrorists had entered The Gawahi television channel in Karachi, Pakistan, and burned down offices. The team in Karachi had just finished filming the Christmas program and had left the studio at one in the morning. According to police, terrorists entered the building around 3 a.m., poured chemicals and set the building on fire.
William Sarfraz, WIM's representative and the director of Gawahi television, reported that he and all the staff were devastated beyond words, but grateful that no one had been hurt. Initially, it appeared that production and transmission would have to stop.
In the midst of the tragedy, God's favor can be seen, as Pakistan's largest television channel, GEO TV, has come to the aid. Production and transmission continues unabated through rented equipment. William continues, "the staff, myself and my family are more committed than ever to give the gospel to millions through media."
Here is the good news five days after the act of terror: Gawahi TV is still broadcasting 24/7 in the world's largest Muslim city. Terrorists burned down furniture, equipment, cameras and offices—but the fire for the gospel remains intact.
Peter Youngren responded immediately with a proposal that offices be moved to a more secure building, possibly a bank or hotel complex, with 24/7 security guards on duty. The local team in Karachi is now moving forward with this plan.
"At times like this we must remind ourselves that God is our source. We are in the middle of campaigns in Indonesia and West Africa, so this challenge comes at the worst of times, but our God is El Shaddai—more than enough. We are going forward and know that God will touch people's hearts to provide the necessary finances," Youngren commented.
World Impact Ministries carries 100 percent responsibility for the financing of this historical gospel television breakthrough in Karachi. Gawahi television is carried on basic cable reaching more than 23 million people in Pakistan. In spite of very poor circumstances where many believers are suffering, about 25 percent of the finances come from local Pakistani believers and the rest through supporters of World Impact Ministries.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA