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Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Lord is Extracting Grief from His People by John Meyer - The Identity Network

The Lord is Extracting Grief from His People by John Meyer

The Identity Network
The Lord is extracting grief from His people. He is extracting it in only the way He could. There are some who have totally come to a place where they've lost hope. You've felt like giving up! The Lord says, where else can you go? Where else can you go? Can you make your bed in hell? If you do I'll chase you down. 

If you go to the left, if you go to the right, if you climb the mountain, and go back into the world, I'll chase you down. Why, because I love you and I have placed my value within you. You're a masterpiece! Don't you know that I've created you for not only this time, but for generations to come?

That's why it's been hard for you. That' why it's been difficult, because I've been building something enormous within you, within the depths of your soul, within the depths of your spirit.

See, you just thought the devil was attacking you. But do you know that I sit in Heaven, and laugh? I laugh! I laugh! I laugh and I weep at the same time, because I know your potential. I know the fullness of who you are.

The Unquenchable Fire in You

All I'm asking, is for you to open your life completely to Me, so that I can take you here to there… So that I can help you understand where you are in life. So that I can put something within you, a resolve that will rise up and say, I'm not going there! I'm not going back to that place! I'm not going back to those people and those relationships that took me down.

You see, you know you can't, because I put a fire in you that is unquenchable. Oh yes, your soul wants to pull and wants to tug, but I put such a fire in you, that will not relent! No man put this fire in you. I put this fire in you by the power of the dwelling place; the resting place of the Godhead within you.

You see, I turned, and I turned, and I turned, and I turned to show you my 360. Just to reveal around the corner and up the street and down the road, my simplicity and touch of the wisdom of my words.

When you where going through hell, I was there, you know I was. When you were in the pit, I visited you and I gave you another breath to make it another step. But what you didn't realize, was the depth that you couldn't see that I was building in you layer upon layer, upon layer, upon layer, upon layer!

You see, that layer, is for more than your legacy… it's for those you carry within your heart. You have young ones and you have old ones, and you have those that surround your life that you care so much for. But don't you know that I gave them the spirit and the breath before the foundations of the world? I gave them a blue print and a plan. So carry them in a way that's not unhealthy. 

Yes, you know where you cross over, but listen, I'm not condemning you…all I'm saying, is open your hands. Open your heart. Open that place where you've carried them a little too far. Let me have them completely and entirely. When you do, you're going to see an acceleration happen that you've only dreamed of.

Let Go of the Familiar

Yes, I'm taking grief away from you today and it's being extracted right out of your life. Don't hold on to the familiar, don't hold on to those things that you're so use too; trying to survive the battle, trying to survive another day, trying to survive another week, another year! You know where that has gotten you… You've been tormented… Take your mind and place it where it needs to be, in the center of your second mind, your spirit. Take your mind and replace it with your spirit.

Live out of your spirit and watch what I'll do this day! I'll do it in such a way, in such a manner that you've cried out for! I'm going to remind you of those prayers that you prayed for this very day. You may have forgot them, but I didn't. I didn't forget those prayers, I didn't forget those times when you shed the tear… don't you remember where I said that I bottle them up? I don't just bottle them up in some jar that I set on a shelf. 

No, they have your name on them. I cherish them and I hold them close and dear to me. I've seen every tear. I've seen EVERY tear, every last one of them. I will accomplish what I've set out to do in your heart and in your life. I will do it! I will do it! It may not look like it right now. It may look totally contrary to what you have seen in the past, but that's ok. I hold you and I hold everything in my hand! 

Everything! Everything that concerns you, I hold closely. I've got it all laid out. I've got it all laid out. Oh, you can turn the other way if you want… I hear you saying, "But Lord! But Papa! But Father!" That's ok, I'm not intimidated by that. I'm not intimidated by your "Buts" I'm not intimidated. That's ok, I'll turn it around…I'll turn it all around.

That's the God you not only serve, but the one that you are friends with.

I call you My friend.

-Papa God

John Meyer
Base Camp

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA