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Monday, January 18, 2016

'Heroic' Palestinians Stab Israeli Mother, Pregnant Woman - Israel Today Staff

'Heroic' Palestinians Stab Israeli Mother, Pregnant Woman

Monday, January 18, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff

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Palestinian Arab terrorists, so often described as “heroic” by Palestinian leaders and media, demonstrated their tremendous bravery this week by stabbing a petite, defenseless Israeli mother and a pregnant Jewish woman.
On Sunday, a Palestinian terrorist entered the home of Dafna Meir in the Jewish settlement of Otniel and brutally stabbed her to death in front of three of her six children. A day later, another knife-wielding Palestinian seriously wounded a 30-year-old pregnant woman in the nearby Jewish community of Tekoa.
Meir’s older teenage daughter witnessed the attack, and told authorities that her mother wrestled with the terrorist to prevent him from harming any of the children. By some miracle, after fatally stabbing Meir, the terrorist fled the scene instead of killing the children.
Two of the six children in the Meir household are foster children. Dafna was also a nurse at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, where she treated Jews and Arabs, alike. Adding to her saintliness, the apparently tireless Meir provided couples’ counseling.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that no effort would be spared in bringing justice to the killer.
“In the name of all Israelis, I want to give strength to all the children of the family. All of us are hurting and share in the painful grief. We will find the terrorist, and he will pay the full price for this heinous murder,” Netanyahu posted on Facebook.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon concurred: “We will not rest until we settle accounts with the terrorist, wherever he is. [Dafna Meir’s] murder…teaches us yet again what a cruel enemy we are up against.”
Monday’s attack took place at a clothing warehouse in the Judean settlement of Tekoa, essentially a suburb of Jerusalem. Security guards managed to shoot and kill the terrorist, but not before he inflicted serious upper body injuries to his pregnant victim, who was taken to a hospital in the capital.
In light of the two attacks, Israeli security officials are reconsidering allowing Palestinian workers into Jewish settlements. Both of the above terrorists are believed to have gained entry to Otniel and Tekoa by being employed by local Jewish businesses.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA