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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Steve Forbes calls #TheFirstHostage a “stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced” tale.



Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Steve Forbes calls #TheFirstHostage a “stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced” tale. Here’s his new review in Forbes magazine.

by joelcrosenberg
(Dallas, Texas) -- Just read the review of The First Hostage by Steve Forbes in the latest issue of FORBES magazine and I wanted to pass it along to you all.
Thanks so much, Steve -- I'm  so glad you enjoyed the novel this much. I couldn't be more grateful! Now, let's get this thing turned into a major Hollywood blockbuster.
The First Hostage -- by Joel Rosenberg (Tyndale House Publishers, $26.99). If you’re not already a fan of Joel Rosenberg, whose books–fiction and nonfiction–have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, you’ll be one once you’ve read this latest novel. It combines Joel’s ability to spin stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced tales with his impressively deep knowledge of the Middle East.
The First Hostage is the second in a new series of action thrillers whose main character is New York Times journalist J.B. Collins. Although this is an exciting stand-alone read, you might first want to dive into its precursor, The Third Target. These novels involve ISIS terrorist attacks; espionage, with a possible highly placed, pro-ISIS American mole; weapons of mass destruction; and intrigue galore.
This book begins where the first left off: at a meeting in Amman, Jordan, where the king of Jordan, the U.S. President, Israel’s prime minister and the head of the Palestinian Authority are about to sign a historic peace agreement. ISIS launches a massive attack, and in the confusion the President goes missing. Collins is there covering the event but before long finds himself suspected of being a mole. There are many mind-boggling twists and plenty of suspense before the book ends.
Joel Rosenberg, who in a previous life served as the director of research for my 2000 presidential campaign, knows his subject well. An evangelical Christian who lives in Israel with his wife and children, he has addressed audiences around the world; been interviewed for his insightful analyses on hundreds of TV and radio programs; and advised world leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Joel knows too much to ever share President Obama’s delusion that what’s unfolding in the Middle East isn’t much of a threat to the West.
joelcrosenberg | January 20, 2016 at 7:13 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA