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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ron Cantor: Get the Identity Theft Sequel at 25% off and a month before others

The Long Anticipated Jerusalem Secret is available to preorder.
When I wrote Identity Theft in 2012, I fully indented to write the sequel immediately. However, I was asked to become a fulltime pastor at Tiferet Yeshua. (And I have to say that I have loved serving the congregation, partnering with an amazing team of elders, shamashim (deacons) and the best support staff in the world.) However, it kept me from finishing the second book. Finally, last spring I checked into a kibbutz hotel in Northern Israel (thank you Sar El Tours for gifting me the room!) and spent four days writing.

After I returned home, I still needed to write the ending. The next day I went out for a bike ride. On the way home, it came to me like flood. I literally was peddling through my tears, trying to get home so I could get to my computer. I hope you like reading it as much as I did writing it. :-)

I discovered some amazing facts about the first Jewish believers (that I think will strengthen your faith) and built it all around, what I hope is, an entertaining and compelling story. 

And here is some good news! I spoke with my publisher yesterday and he agreed to release copies to us a month early. If you preorder, not only will you get the book a month before it is on the market, we are offering a 25% discount. Just click here or on the graphic to order your copy.

Until all Israel is Saved,

Ron Cantor
The Jerusalem Secret
The Anticipated Sequel to
Identity Theft 
Continues the
Moments after David Lebowitz is finally convinced that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah, he is thrust into a soul-wrenching family tragedy. In deep anguish, he cries out to Heaven. His prayer is answered in a most unexpected and unusual way.

An angel named Ariel transports David back into his celestial classroom where history-shaping events unfold right in front of him. Through supernatural time trav- el, David comes face-to-face with first-century pioneers such as Apostles James and Paul, along with early disciples of Yeshua, like Priscilla and Aquila.

Before his eyes, a world-changing—and at times, shocking—history is being writ- ten. While David cannot change the past, he is able to unlearn horrific myths about Yeshua and the Jewish people—only to return to earth for the test of his life!

Experience history like never before and catch a glimpse of life for the first con- gregation of Jesus-followers in Jerusalem. You will also discover how the diabolical snares of anti-semitism and replacement theology sought to sabotage God’s work in their midst.

See God’s unfolding plan to bring the Jewish people to salvation and release YESHUA’S POWER IN THE EARTH!

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA