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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

UK Schools Told to Teach that Britain Is a 'Christian Nation' - CBN News

UK Schools Told to Teach that Britain Is a 'Christian Nation'

Despite American's often repeated outcry over the separation of church and state, Britain is officially a Christian nation.
It's just that the British government has not always acted like it is.
But last week, Secretary of State for Education Nicky Morgan announced that non-faith schools in the country must tell students that British religious traditions "are, in the main, Christian" when they teach about other religions, according to the International Business Times.
Morgan's comments came after Prime Minister David Cameron's unusally strong Christmas message this year, in which he emphasized Britain's Christian heritage.
"That is what we mark as we celebrate the birth of God's only son, Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace,' he said.
The new guidelines were in response to a British High Court ruling in November, which found that the government had unlawfully excluded atheism and nonreligious views from school curriculum.
The new Department of Education guidelines state that schools will not be forced to give atheist worldviews equal time with Christianity.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA