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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Exclusive Testimonies of Christian NFL Super Bowl Players - FAITH DRIVEN CONSUMER

Faith Driven Consumer
Are you excited about the Big Game this Sunday?
Like you, I’m getting together with friends and family to support the Panthers
(I’ll forgive you if you like Denver).

But, rather than watching the half time show, we are tuning in to Football Sunday.
It’s a video put together by our friends at featuring powerful
testimonies of Christian NFL players, including Drew Breeze, Trent Dilfer, Thomas Davis,
Miles McPherson, Matt Hasselbeck, and others. Thousands of churches across
America are participating in the experience. Now you can too!

Below: Thomas Davis, Carolina Panthers linebacker

Today—a day early—Faith Driven Consumer is excited to offer you an exclusive, free preview of tomorrow's testimonies.

I encourage you to share this with every football fan you know, an incredible way to
connect people with Christ!


Be Faith Driven!

Chris Stone

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA