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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fire and Favor on Families by Lana Vawser - Identity Network

Fire and Favor on Families 

Lana Vawser

Identity Network   Feb. 3, 2016
I have been feeling the Lord saying "fire and favor" on families. The Lord is doing a DEEP work right now in the family unit. His Spirit is moving powerfully and bringing healing, restoration and freedom to families.

Last year, I had an encounter with the Lord where I saw the fire of God falling on houses and restoring family unit's and Jesus walking through houses bringing healing. When I felt the Lord begin to speak again on "fire and favor" on families, I asked Him for greater clarity.

I then heard the words "Now is the time for the DOUBLE PORTION."  There have been breakthroughs that have begun in family units that began last year for many, but suddenly now there is a momentum in the Spirit that is happening in an acceleratory way. Where ground has begun to break, double portions are going to begin to manifest. Where there has been shame and dishonor in families, as the people of God have not given up and remained positioned, the Lord is doing a sudden work in families.

Time for a Double Portion

Many have felt like they were at the end of their rope with contending, praying and believing for breakthrough, healing and restoration of family, but I want to encourage you, not only is there breakthrough and healing in the atmosphere but it's time for a double portion of fire and favor of the Lord in family units. Don't stop crying out to the Lord. His heart is for family. His heart is for restoration and healing. Keep your heart in check before the Lord in the area of forgiveness and love. He is bringing healing to your heart!!

The fire of God is falling in exponential ways to bring a cleansing, a purifying, a strengthening, a refining and a sharpening. Passion is being reignited. As the people of God are crying out for their family units, where hurt, pain and issues have become so overwhelming and the focus of Jesus has been lost, He is taking His place again. He is taking His place again as the center. Revival is breaking out in families. It's time for a mass revival of the family unit on a corporate scale.

Marriages are being and are going to be restored suddenly. I saw "honeymoon" periods being restored in marriages. Do not give up seeking the Lord for your marriage. The Lord is bringing increase and strengthening to many good, strong marriages, and He is bringing healing, refreshing restoration and freedom to the marriages that have been struggling and broken as His people cry out.

I also saw many children holding keys. Many children are about to have encounters with the Lord that are going to be given keys to release healing, restoration, healing and impartations into families. Listen to what your children are hearing from the Lord, listen to the encounters that they are having, allow them to pray for you, for the Lord is using the children to bring significant impartations, atmospheric shifts and 'game changers."

Fresh Air and Refreshing

Favor is being released on family units that is going to release financial pressures, releasing heavy burdens and crippling circumstances. I saw the favor the Lord is releasing on family units bringing a "breath of fresh air and refreshing" over those family units that are being stressed, stretched and pressed on every side. The Lord is releasing surprise moves of His favor that is going to bring an "ease" upon many family units.

Don't give up contending for your family unit, for your marriages etc. The Lord is doing a deep, sudden work in the family unit and revival is and will increasingly break out in the family unit.

The Lord is doing this accelerated work in the family unit not only to bring breakthrough and healing to His people, but to move His people further forward and out into society as an example of how to do marriage and family well. The testimonies that come out of this season of seeing the Lord bring healing, refreshing, revival, strengthening and increase is going to see MANY broken families in society come into the Kingdom BECAUSE of your testimony.

Fire and favor is falling on the family unit! Keep crying out.  He not only hears, He is moving on your behalf.

Lana Vawser

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA