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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

An Evangelical Response to Israel's Evangelical Enemies - Israel Today

An Evangelical Response to Israel's Evangelical Enemies

Tuesday, March 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
As Evangelical foes of the notion that Israel's modern rebirth has anything to do with the Bible gather in Bethlehem, it seems a fitting time to draw attention to this powerful video series.
What's happening at the Christ at the Checkpoint conference is nothing news. Replacement Theology has dogged the Jewish people for millennia. And its proponents have become increasingly rabid over the past half century as Israel's rebirth provided concrete evidence that God was not finished with the physical sons of Jacob.

Israel's Evangelical enemies will say it's ludicrous to continue to lay claim to land promises made thousands of years ago. They'll insist that Yeshua's coming spiritualized each and every promise God ever made to the People of Israel.

But that's a slippery and dangerous slope to go down, and jeopardizes our own claims to God's promises as Christians.
It also simply cannot account for the miraculous nature of Israel's physical reconstitution after millennia of exile, in perfect accordance with numerous biblical prophecies.

Evangelical Christians have traditionally been strong supporters of Israel and the Jewish people. Their support can no longer be taken for granted. There is now a strong movement to undermine evangelical support for Israel - and it is gaining momentum.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA