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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CBN Docu-Drama 'The Hope' Sets the Record Straight on Israel - CBN News

CBN Docu-Drama 'The Hope' Sets the Record Straight on Israel
CBN News 03-22-2016

WASHINGTON - Christian Broadcasting Network CEO Gordon Robertson unveiled a new CBN-produced docu-drama, "The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel," at this year's annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference.
Faith leaders and politicians were treated to a detailed cinematic account of the founding of the modern state Israel. Accompanied by beautiful cinematography, "The Hope" gives viewers a glimpse into the 50 years before the inception of Israel through the stories of those who lived it.
Robertson took the time to explain why CBN was compelled to produce the story.
"The reason why we did it is complicated. I really at the outset wanted to educate the Christian community in America that supports Israel, and sometimes supports Israel without any knowledge at all of how Israel came to be and wanted to correct that," Gordon explained.
Watch Gordon Robertson explain why CBN filmed "The Hope."
"But the more I got into it, the more I decided that the world needed to see this and needed to be educated -- particularly in light of what is currently going on with the BDS Movement to try to boycott Israel," he continued.
"The more people are educated on how Israel actually came to be, what are the historical facts, the better able they are to argue against BDS," Robertson said.
"The Hope" has been broadcasted all over the world and is available online at The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel.
AIPAC took place March 20-22.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA