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Friday, March 4, 2016

Help Document a Miracle ✡ "Better Unto You Than at Your Beginnings" - ISRAEL365

And I will multiply upon you man and beast
and they shall increase and be fruitful; and I will cause you to be inhabited after your former estate
and will do better unto you than at your beginnings;
and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

וְהִרְבֵּיתִי עֲלֵיכֶם אָדָם וּבְהֵמָה וְרָבוּ וּפָרוּ וְהוֹשַׁבְתִּי אֶתְכֶם כְּקַדְמוֹתֵיכֶם וְהֵיטִבֹתִי מֵרִאשֹׁתֵיכֶם וִידַעְתֶּם כִּי-אֲנִי יְ-הוָה

יחזקאל לו:יא

v'-hiir-bay-tee a-lay-khem a-dam u-v'-hay-ma v'-ra-vu u-fa-ru v'-ho-shav-tee et-khem k'-kad-mo-tay-khem v'-hay-tee-vo-tee may-ri-sho-tay-khem vee-da-tem kee a-nee a-do-nai

Shabbat Inspiration

The prophet Ezekiel offers the nation a message of hope. Despite the harsh punishment of exile, the people will return to the Land, and with that return the land will flourish and prosper exceeding its former glory.  We are living in these miraculous times! As this prophecy continues to unfold, the State of Israel exceeds our hopes and dreams as a flourishing country, breathtaking in beauty and central to the world in medicine and industry.  You can be part of a unique project to document this fantastic miracle  with the world’s first-ever photojournalistic book showing Israel’s development from desolation to cornucopia.  Side by side photographs will make the prophecy come alive as you see the dramatic changes and rebirth of the land in under 100 years.

Documenting a Miracle: Photographic Evidence of Divine Fulfillment

Researchers culled through thousands of photos from the late 1800's to 1940's, a period of time when the Land was desolate and under foreign rule. They went back back to those same locations, and photographed the resurgence of life in Israel as the Jewish nation. What they discovered was mind-boggling.

Behind the Scenes of Epic Book of Fulfilled Prophecies

Devout Christian Doug Hershey, founder of Ezra Adventures, a program which arranges epic trips to Israel, is on an even more compelling mission. Hershey is documenting, through magnificent photography, the prophet Ezekiel’s 2,600-year-old prophecies as they come to fruition today in Israel.

Star of David Necklace

The Star of David is a timeless symbol of the Jewish People. Mentioned in the bible as being the symbol of david, it now adorns the Israeli flag. The Israeli jewelry designer Ester Shahaf adds her personal artistic statement to the Star, in endless variations. This lovely Star of David necklace is crafted of .925 Sterling silver with Swarovski crystals, copper appliqués and delicate hand painting.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The City of David, 'then and now'.  In under 100 years the State of Israel has brought miraculous rejuvenation to ancient sites!

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Thoroughly Enjoy This!”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).

Thank you so much for all the valuable Scriptures and input. I thoroughly enjoy this, Elisabeth Syre

Peace be upon Jersusalem and Shalom, Rabbi!
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA