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Friday, April 1, 2016

The battle is just beginning... - Faith Driven Consumer


Are you sick and tired of being marginalized, ridiculed or—worse yet—persecuted simply for living out your Christian faith? 

From the persecution of Christian bakers, florists, bed-and-breakfast owners and T-shirt makers to legal subpoenas of pastors’ sermons and the stifling of the Christian viewpoint in high schools, universities, the marketplace and workplace, there’s a massive suppression taking place that discriminates against us as Faith Driven Consumers. 

As depicted in the movie GOD’S NOT DEAD 2, our basic rights as Americans are being denied.  We are being eliminated from culture—the free expression of our Christian faith is even now being criminalized.    


Who’s leading the charge?  Corporate America.

Major brands that you and I spend our hard-earned dollars with every day—companies like AT&T, Bank of America and Comcast—are actively creating second-class citizenship for Christians. This, in spite of the fact that we Faith Driven Consumers comprise 41 million Americans—17% of the adult population—and spend a whopping $2 trillion annually.

Need proof? Check out the glaring gaps.  The Faith Equality Index assesses the faith compatibility of top brands.  See for yourself how your favorite companies are treating you compared to the customers and employees they prioritize and value.  
So what can you do about it? 
  1. Go see real life played out in GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 this weekend at your local cinema.
  2. Join the movement: Sign the #GodsNotDead2Us petition to let companies who falsely claim to support “diversity and inclusion” know that true diversity means treating Christians equally with other groups.
Every week we have one-on-one conversations with America’s corporate leaders asking them to treat Faith Driven Consumers like you equal to others in their rainbow of diversity.  Largely they have done nothing to stop their discrimination.  Why? They tell us it’s because you aren’t putting as much pressure on them as other groups do.  

Truth is stranger than fiction.  This important and timely movie is a dramatization of real life.  Take action before your voice is silenced.  

Join the movement now.

Faith Driven Consumer

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA