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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"The Camps of Israel" ✡ 4 Female IDF Paramedics Tell Their Stories - ISRAEL365

The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and
stood behind them, coming between the camps of Egypt and the camps of Israel.

וַיִּסַּע עַמּוּד הֶעָנָן מִפְּנֵיהֶם וַיַּעֲמֹד מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם וַיָּבֹא בֵּין מַחֲנֵה מִצְרַיִם וּבֵין מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל

שמות יד:יט,כ

va-yi-sa a-mud he-a-nan mip-nay-hem va-ya-a-mod may-a-kha-ray-hem va-ya-vo bayn ma-kha-nay mitz-ra-yim u-vayn ma-kha-nay yis-ra-ayl

Today's Israel Inspiration

On the upcoming festival of Passover, we celebrate God's awesome display of miracles during the Exodus. For the sake of Israel, a ‘pillar of cloud’ protected it from the shooting arrows of the Egyptians in hot pursuit. Today we celebrate the mighty sacrifices and bravery of the soldiers of the IDF, shielding Israel from its enemies. May the God of Israel continue to protect His people through His pillar of defense like He did for us long ago! Stand in solidarity with the soldiers of the IDF, guarding freedom this Passover and every day.

Female IDF Paramedics in Gaza War Tell Their Stories

Operation Protective Edge saw 76 Israeli casualties. Four female combat paramedics were on the ground, on the front line, and now share their stories.

Israelis Stand Behind Arrested IDF Soldier Who Shot "Neutralized" Terrorist

An online petition calling on the IDF to award a medal—instead of handcuffs—to an IDF soldier who shot an Arab terrorist on the ground last Thursday, has garnered more than 35,000 signatures in three days.

IDF Diving Watch

Show your love of the IDF with this durable watch bearing the Israeli army emblem. Perfect for hiking, water sports, and the active lifestyle. This watch keeps you up to date with the latest IDF swag, as well as being a fashionable timepiece for all occasions. Black rubber strap, grey stainless steel watch, glass face, glow in the dark, includes stopwatch, timer, diving watch, alarm clock, and is water resistant up to 200 meters, or 20ATM.

Today's Israel Photo

Women soldiers take pride in sharing the burden of defending the Land of Israel.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

You got it! Yesterday's photo featured sabra cactus bushes. Israelis are called "sabras" - prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside! 

Thank You

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“Thank You for the Inspiring Messages”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Good morning, I love what you send me. Shalom to you. Yarn Cornish

Thank you for the inspiring messages. I am a Catholic in Manchester England and your site shows me how close our two faiths are. I pray for the safety and prosperity of Israel. Shalom, John Hopkins
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA