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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Texas Receives the Prophet's Blessing - Lana Vawser. Mantles of Glory Ministries with Karla Shrake

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A Prophetic Newsletter                  
By Karla Shrake
July 12, 2016

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"And the Lord Roars from Zion...
And utters 
His voice from Jerusalem."
 Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before
His Army; 
Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
 Joel 2:11 
Texas Receives the Prophet's Blessing
By Karla Shrake / Mantles of Glory Ministries
July 12, 2016
"He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward..."   Matthew 10:41.

We Welcome Prophet Lana Vawser:
In the prophetic timeline of heaven there are windows of divine favor and blessing.  Our gracious heavenly Father has chosen the month of July in this year of 2016 to send one of His servants, a vessel of honor, apostolic prophet from Australia, Lana Vawser.  And on behalf of Texas, its leaders and citizenry, we declare that this 'sent one' is welcomed, honored and favored as she travels to and in our state. 
We Receive the Fullness:
On behalf of five-fold ministers, the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists, we decree that she is welcome in her role and authority as an apostle/prophet in our state.  We decree a welcoming and receiving of the prophetic word(s) God has put in her heart to release in our midst.  And we receive the full scope and depth of the vision and authority God has given her regarding not only the state of Texas but also for our country.
We Receive Humility and Purity:
On behalf of Texas we receive and embrace the exhortation and challenge of the Lord through Lana to higher standards of purity and humility for the Body of Christ in general and especially for its leadership.   
We Receive the Prophet as a Woman:
On behalf of Texas and the leadership of the Body of Christ, we decree that she is received and honored fully and completely not only as a prophet, but also in her role as a woman prophet. 
We Receive Hope and Renewal and its Price Tag:
On behalf of Texas we honor prophet Lana Vawser as a divine messenger of hope and renewal for the Body of Christ and even for our country.  And with that we also receive and embrace the price tag, the personal and corporate adjustments and corrections that are necessary to bring about true Godly character, transformation and genuine victory.
We Receive the Australian Connection:
Furthermore we decree she, her husband and team are received and honored as Australians, as the Lord has chosen to send not just any prophet, but an Australian prophet.  We decree that all of what our heavenly Father desires is welcome and established between our two countries and especially between its veteran and senior leadership, including apostles and prophets.  We decree a new joining and partnering between the two for the glory of His name and we decree that the bridge and networking now greatly accelerates according to the blueprint of heaven.  For such a time as this the two nations receiving greater strength and clarity of purpose in overcoming strategies for the last days as key players on the global scene.  And more specifically we decree the God-appointed relationship between Texas and Australia to flourish in all its aspects.   
Let us join together in the power of unified corporate prayer:
        "Heavenly Father we give thanks to You for shining upon us with Your favor, in sending Your servant Lana Vawser, her husband and team.  We humble ourselves and prepare our hearts to receive the fullness of all You desire to do in our midst.  We thank You for using her to raise up a standard of hope over our country and its future.  But we realize and embrace that Your blessings and victory require our meeting the conditions - the conditions of obedience, of humbling and cleansing our hearts and stirring our faith to seek You as never before."
"Oh Lord we know You sent Your prophets long ago when Your people Israel were oppressed and their lives and future were hanging in the balance.  And even so we understand that our beloved America now hangs in the balance.  So we now stir and shake ourselves into being sober and alert to receive the holy shift that You desire to release through Your servant Lana in this critical hour of human history." 

"Texas and the Dallas-Ft. Worth region shall NOT miss this divine opportunity and blessing!  And we reject all dullness in ourselves and in the regional atmosphere that would cause these gatherings to be religious business as usual.  We receive even now fresh fire from heaven, the awakening of our hearts as Godly hope is rekindled and established so that we may be able to lay hold of the new season."
"We entreat you Holy Spirit please come into the Dallas-Ft. Worth area during these gatherings and afterwards.  Forgive us Father for grieving and limiting Your Spirit in this region in our homes, churches, seminaries, schools, commerce and government.  We as local, regional and state-wide believers cry out 'come Lamb-Lion and lose Your HOLY ROAR and ignite us once again!  We decree Texas is burning with holy fire!'' 
"Awaken and release the womb of both the DFW region and the entire state of Texas to bring forth her God-destiny to be a dwelling place/hub of the abiding presence of Your Spirit.   Raise up many training centers that honor the moving of Your Spirit, and grace us to prepare the harvest net for the deluge of precious souls soon coming into the Kingdom.  We agree in the power of corporate unity that as it is in heaven in Your heart Abba, so it is being established on earth in all these issues, and it is sealed in the Lamb's name and precious blood," amen.

A Prophetic Word to this Generation
      Click for more information 
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA