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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Learn the meaning of AMEN! ✡ "The Righteous Nation, the Faithful" - ISRAEL365

Open the gate so the righteous nation,
the faithful, may enter.

פִּתְחוּ שְׁעָרִים וְיָבֹא גוֹי צַדִּיק שֹׁמֵר אֱמֻנִים

ישעיהו כ’’ו:ב

pit-khu sh'-a-reem v'-ya-vo goy tza-deek sho-mayr eh-mu-neem

Today's Israel Inspiration

The final Hebrew word in today’s verse is אֱמֻנִים / eh-mu-neem which means
the faithful.’ The Hebrew root of this word is א-מ-ן which is ‘Amen.’ We all know
what ‘Amen’ means, now we know where it comes from! Get started learning Hebrew with a free Hebrew alphabet chart when you sign up for a free Israel Bible Reading Plan.

Hebrew Music Monday:
"When I Call, Answer Me"

Sing along to this beautiful song by the Shira Chadasha Women's choir of Jerusalem. The lyrics come from Psalm 4:2: "When I call, answer me, O God of my righteousness... and hearken to my prayer."

Judaism's Special Blessing Over Olympic Athletes

By saying this special blessing over unusually gifted people, including Olympians, we remind ourselves that all this greatness came from a higher source.

The Dead Sea Reveals Biblical Prophecies!

For centuries, residents of the Land of Israel have known about the healing qualities of the mineral-rich Dead Sea. Today, you need not travel to the shores of the ancient Sea of Salt to partake in the rich minerals found in Dead Sea Soap. It is cleansing to the body and supports the Israeli economy as well.
Buy now! »

Today's Israel Photo

Noam Chen's photo of the remains of Midgal ("Tower") Afek, the site of an ancient Jewish settlement of Afek from Second Temple times. The tower fell into ruin during the Roman siege, and was rebuilt by the Crusaders. Later renamed Midgal Tzedek ("Tower of Righteousness"), it is located near Tel Aviv.

Thank you  Brian Zuckerman from Lutz, FL

Today's sponsor would like to share the following message:

Reading the Israel365 bible selection and commentary is a bright spot in my day. Many days we are “too busy” to stay in touch with who we are as Jews. Israel365 is a welcome reminder.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA