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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pro-Israel Palestinian Youth Undeterred by Threats - Israel Today

Pro-Israel Palestinian Youth Undeterred by Threats

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Proponents of the “Palestinian cause” claim Israel cruelly discriminates against and silences them. But the truth is it is they who are without tolerance for opposing views, especially from one of “their own.”
Such is the case of Mahdi Satri, the son of Palestinian Arabs from Gaza who now live in northern Israel.
Satri has become something of an Internet sensation of late after voicing strong pro-Israel positions.
But that has also led to constant threats on his life, prompting Satri to pen a message under the headline “Know That I Died a Dreamer” that has been shared widely on social media.
In the message, Satri vows to continue taking this principled stand “until the last drop of blood in my body.” But the situation has taken a immense toll on the 17-year-old, who said the threats even from his own neighbors had caused him both great fear and tremendous sadness.
“If they succeeded to kill me, know that I died a Zionist defending my country… Know that I died a dreamer. A dreamer looking for a new future empty of hatred and full of love,” he bravely concluded the letter."
In a previous demonstration that, contrary to many of his fellow Arab Muslims, Israeli Jews harbor no inherent hatred for his people, Satri posted the following video of him standing in Tel Aviv with a sign letting Jewish passersby know that he loves them.
The reactions of those Jewish passersby speak for themselves.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA